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Crucial differences between Hitler and tfg

Ppl unfairly compare Hitler to the individual who held the Oval Office 2017-2021 (“tfg”). There are significant differences: 1) Hitler did not dodge the draft, but enlisted, fought in WW I & twice was awarded the Iron Cross (though we don’t know if Hitler had bone spurs; 1/4

2) Hitler actually wrote (Hess typed) the best seller published under his name, but tfg had ghost writers; 3) Hitler was “in the black” financially (mostly from book sales) when he took office, while tfg who was hundreds of millions of dollars in debt; 4) Hitler won office w/a 2/4

plurality in 1933, whereas tfg was twice a loser (by millions); 5) Hitler had one testicle (& tfg in Putin’s presence acts as if he has none); 6) Hitler was convicted of treason & sentenced to prison, while tfg hasn’t been convicted & sent to prison - yet. 3/4

Life under Hitler was grim, but ppl used humor to get by. We need to laugh at tfg & his minions. I’m Mark Small: pro-voting rights, pro-legalization of drugs, pro-choice, anti-gun GOP candidate for IN House Distr 86. I approve of this blog. Hell, I wrote it. 4/4

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