Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

I'll repeat: I can't say vote for Destiny Scott Wells (D) or Jeff Maurer (L) for Secretary of state. Nope, I can't.

Someone corrected me a few days ago to point out that the GOP nominee for IN Sec’y of State (“SoS”) got the nomination via party convention, not the primary. SoS is Indiana’s chief election officer. I.C. 3-6-3.7-1. (btw, IN’s voting system is secure, as 2020 showed.) 1/5

As a Republican in good standing & primary qualified, GOP rules bar me from supporting ppl running against a GOP nominee. That means I cannot say: Vote for Destiny Scott Wells, combat vet, opponent of neo-fascism, well-qualified & the Democratic Party nominee for SofS. 2/5

Nor can I say vote for Libertarian Jeff Maurer, USAF vet, grad of Washington Univ in St. Louis, & who, if he gains 10% of the votes, enables Libertarians to hold a primary. I.C. 3-10-1-2. Hey! “Libertarian” is too close to “libertines” for some & Maurer might be a Cardinals’ fan. 3/5

The GOP nominee for SoS has a profile consistent with this iteration of the GOP. Curtis T. Hill, Jr., IN’s former A.G., was accused of sexual improprieties while in office. The nominee for IN SoS is accused of sexual improprieties before taking office. He has a head start! 4/5

As the only pro-choice, pro-environment, pro-sep’n of church/State, pro-voting rts, anti-MAGA GOP nominee for IN House Distr 86, I have neither sought nor expected GOP party money or GOP party support. I’m Mark Small. I approve of this blog. Hell, I wrote it. 5/5

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Comment by pogden297 on October 5, 2022 at 7:18am

Look at IC 3-10-1-2 again.  The statute does not "enable" the Libertarian Party to hold a primary when it hits 10% in the Secretary of State's race.   Rather the statute REQUIRES the Libertarian Party to hold a primary when it hits 10%. There is nothing prohibiting the Libertarian Party from holding a primary when it is less than 10%.  I've brought this up with Libertarians before.  A primary would be a great way to energize their party and to get publicity.  Libertarians though don't believe in primaries.  They don't want anything to do with it. The Libertarians want to get their 2% in the SOS race (I believe that's the threshold) to continue to have automatic ballot position, but less than 10% so they are not required to have primaries.

Fortunately, the Indiana SOS has virtually not real power when it comes to running Indiana elections.


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