Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

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Money drives American politics. Nearly (minus those who have $$$ &/or benefit from it) decries how people simply buy office. Ideas and positions on issues are supposed to be the essence of a political campaign. Early voting has begun. My platform: 1) Fight gun ignorance. 1/4

NRA’s $$$ (Todd Young loves their green) has blocked peer reviewed studies of guns as health threat. We were taught the Fed/State thing allows States to experiment where the Fed won’t or can’t. I propose public universities in Indiana conduct such studies. 2) Drugs: legalize pot. 2/4

3) Protect right to abortion. Dana Loesch sd Herschel Walker’s hypocrisy about abortion doesn’t matter so long as GOP gets power. Far right has played people for suckers. I don’t want anyone’s money. You can help me by sharing my podcasts, tweets & blogs w/3 ppl. 3/4

Ask those 3 ppl, if they agree w/what I advocate, to share w/3 more ppl. I’m Mark Small: pro-voting rights, pro-legalization of drugs, pro-choice, pro-civil rts GOP candidate, Indiana House Distr 86. I approve of this blog. Hell, I wrote it. 4/4

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