Civil Discourse Now

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GOP wasn't based on religion, so MAGA cultists should take care whom they call "trash."

The following invocation occurred at a rally attended by trump ppl at Manheim PA last weekend:
“God, open the eyes of Pres Trump’s understanding, that he will know how to implement divine intervention. And you will not surround him with RINO trash, in the name of Jesus.” NO! 1/7

MAGA ppl, ignorant of origins of the GOP & of U.S. history, are Republicans “in name only.” A 1st meeting of the GOP was held 3/1/1854 & issued & stood: “Resolved, that all of the outrages hitherto perpetrated or attempted upon the North and freedom by the slave leaders and their 2/7

natural allies, not one compares in bold and impudent audacity, treachery and meanness with this, the Nebraska bill; as to the sum of all of its villainies it adds the repudiation of a solemn pact held as sacred as the constitution itself for a period of thirty-four years.” 1st GOP mtg 3/7

was held in the Congregational Church in Ripon, Wisconsin, yet no one invoked a deity in this resolution. The 1856 Republican Platform notes: “we hold it to be a self-evident truth, that all men are endowed with the inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness...” 4/7

There was no mention of a deity, but the platform includes: “We implore Christians and Christian ministers to interpose. Their divine religion requires them to behold in every man a brother, and to labor for the advancement and regeneration of the human race.” One may 5/7

reasonably infer the party issuing this platform was not founded on any deity, or else the invite was unnecessary. The 1856 platform ends “we shall resist [spread of slavery] w/all the abilities which God has given us....for the cause of human freedom is the cause of God.” This is 6/7

consistent w/the natural “God” of the Framers. How dare trump ppl refer to anyone as “trash.” I’m Mark Small, pro-choice, pro environment, pro-civil rts & pro-separation of church & State GOP nominee for Indiana House District 86. I approve of this blog. Hell, I wrote it. 7/7

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