Civil Discourse Now

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Don't be too quick to compare trump to Hitler

Jan 6 Committee hearing highlights similarities betw that insurrection & a beer hall putsch of 11/09/1923, in Munich. But a fair & balanced view reveals differences between the leader in Munich in 1923 & trump so significant as to make similarities unfair & meaningless. 1/4

1) Hitler wrote a bestseller. trump had to employ a ghost writer; 2) Hitler was in the black $-wise (from book sales) when he took office. trump was hundreds of millions of $$$ in debt; 3) Hitler… Continue

Added by Mark Small on June 10, 2022 at 6:35am — No Comments

"Sen Buckley Calls for Nixon to Resign." Neil Young's album cover

Neil Young stares out at the ocean. A few feet away, next to a table with an umbrella, headline states: “Sen Buckley Calls for Nixon to Resign.” Sen James Buckley (R-NY), brother of National Review editor William F Buckley, reluctantly made that call on March 20, 1974. 1/4

On local radio this morning a host said people care about the price of gasoline, as though attacks on our system by a mob are nothing. The show is among others on a station that crow guns must be used to fight…


Added by Mark Small on June 9, 2022 at 8:31pm — No Comments

2nd Amendment as effective protection vs tyranny is no more than a right-wing wet dream

How 2nd Amendment works vs tyranny: 1) Angry ppl exchange texts & emails; 01/05/21 some meet/bring caches of weapons; 01/06/21, mob converges on Capitol, neither pulls weapons nor is fired upon. 2) Individuals w/automatic weapons, in places usually safe, kill lots of ppl. 1/4

3) Individuals try to kill gov’t officials @ their homes. 2 & 3 R called terrorism. Missing: army of well-trained individuals entering battle vs gov’t forces (of tanks, jets, missiles, smart bombs…


Added by Mark Small on June 8, 2022 at 9:31pm — No Comments

Gun radio show, my opponent Rep Delaney & no quotes of me

On 6/4 a host of an Indy radio show: 1) slammed Zionsville’s mayor 4 & read from, her tweets but never read my tweets; 2) slammed me personally & only thing he sd re my views on guns wasn’t true; 3) discussed my opponent in Nov, Rep Ed Delaney & guns. 1/5

On 2: I’ve never sd repeal 2nd Amend. Back in 1976 on DePauw’s debate team I sd 2A is about militias. He probably doesn’t like tweets he & I exchanged as he seems to’ve erased them, came off as clueless & used… Continue

Added by Mark Small on June 8, 2022 at 6:00am — No Comments

AR15s should receive far less commercial time than toilets

Machines built so well they last 100 years is a great idea for consumers, but not 4 manufacturers. If markets don’t exist, businesses die. U.S. gun makers might be ghoulish, but they make goods that live a long time. Estimated life of an AR-15 replaceable barrel is 20K rounds fired. 1/5

Someone who shoots that often knows how to switch barrels. Other people would have an AR15 for life. Gun culture ramps up desire for more guns. An Indy radio show host Saturday bragged about how great…


Added by Mark Small on June 7, 2022 at 5:58am — 1 Comment

We need to limit the number of guns a person can own

1) Gun people should get over it: we elected an African-American President who did a good job. 2) We should limit the number of guns a person can own. On point 1: it wasn’t the beige suits or that he was left-wing (he wasn’t). He was Black. Racism runs deep in the USA. Mel Brooks 1/5

satirized it in “Blazing Saddles.” Some people laugh at that film w/o realizing it’s making fun of people like them. On point 2: Photos on-line show smiling gun owners with 50 or 60 guns spread out on the…


Added by Mark Small on June 6, 2022 at 5:43am — No Comments

There's no single, universal solution to gun violence

Gun deaths (45,222 killed in 2020) in this country, on one level, are a complex problem (43,222 in 2020/54% suicides). Universal background checks might not have worked in specific cases. Fire inspections don’t always work either.An element common to all gun deaths: guns. 1/5

A start to end gun deaths is not to own a gun. Some people buy a gun to defend the home, but an implied warranty of merchantability, that a thing is fit for the purpose for which it’s sold, exists by law in…


Added by Mark Small on June 5, 2022 at 7:12pm — No Comments

Causes of mass shootings are complex so solutions are multiple & vary

On 6/4 on Indy radio show “Gun Guy” the host opened by recalling how, as a kid, he listened to the Indy 500 on radio. He pivoted to “causation” of mass shootings and says ppl 4 gun control or Democrats need to ask would what you advocate have prevented this particular outcome. 1/6

He then says, “If the answer to that is ‘no,’ then you’re an idiot.” He adds that the Uvalde shooter passed 2 background checks. The flawed reasoning of his conclusion that background checks don’t work has a…


Added by Mark Small on June 5, 2022 at 8:30am — No Comments

Debate requires a level playing field & that's a place someone who spins gun misinformation won't go

Last week I criticized, 4 feeding gun culture, the host of a radio show. He attacked me but invited me on his show. I inferred this as a challenge to debate & set 2 provisos: neither speaks over the other & no one speaks > 2 mins. He sd no one tells him how to conduct an interview. 1/5

Today on air, he sd he’d be glad to debate me, I can call in. But debate is not an interview. Basic rules to debate: speaking uninterrupted & w/in time limits. The few callers to the show…


Added by Mark Small on June 4, 2022 at 8:16pm — No Comments

Gun control inherently is political & its advocates are not "losers"

Governments, in the USA, enacted laws to restrict ownership and carrying of guns since our early days. To enact laws about a subject inherently means the subject is political. NRA has dumped a LOT of money on members of Congress to stop gun control or even to study gun violence. 1/4

Last week, after I tweeted about guns & an individual who has a radio show about guns, someone on Twitter said if you name someone tag them. On my next blog/tweets I tagged that person, who said I had…


Added by Mark Small on June 4, 2022 at 5:56pm — No Comments

NRA/GOP citing mental health as the real reason for gun violence stigmatizes, is hypocritical & ignores guns

Gun culture knocks reasonable limits & solutions to gun violence. Reality: no measure is 100% effective. Cities have fire codes, but no one says bag fire departments. GOP elected officials now suggest the real problem is mental health (“MH”), but offer no clear plan yet keep guns. 1/5

Problems: 1) Texas is an example where a GOP governor recently cut funding for MH. 2) This stigmatizes ppl who have MH issues, most of whom are non-violent. 3) MH is one factor that red flag laws,…


Added by Mark Small on June 4, 2022 at 12:08pm — No Comments

Another email missive from IN GOP chair Kyle Hupfer

Kyle Hupfer’s (IN State GOP chair) latest email makes no mention of recent mass shootings (Buffalo, Uvelde). One would think the GOP might: 1) Propose meaningful gun control. Okay, that’s silly. The NRA pays GOP members of Congress to block any gun control. 1/5

2) Offer thoughts & prayers. Perhaps Mr Hupfer sees how silly repeating the usual crap it. But Mr Hupfer does say: “Joe Biden and the rest of the Washington elite are completely out of touch with ordinary Americans. Yet…


Added by Mark Small on June 3, 2022 at 9:01am — No Comments

Poll watchers? Horse Thief Detective Association was muscle for the KKK

Guns, poll watchers, KKK & the Horse Thief Detective Association (vigilantes) were facts. Prior to May 1925 primary elections the former head of the KKK, D.C. Stephenson, was arrested & later convicted of Murder. The Indls PD Chief issued orders “to keep members of the 1/4

Horse Thief Detective Association far away from all public polling places. The association, of course, had once been an integral part of Stephenson’s organization - the ‘enforcement’ arm of the Klan. On…


Added by Mark Small on June 2, 2022 at 2:44pm — 1 Comment

Play Mass Shooter Bingo!

The next “bingo” card lists places where ppl otherwise feel safe: elementary schools, synagogues, grade schools, grocery stores, elementary schools, churches, high schools & now hospitals (Tulsa). Gun culture pervades our society. In the 1970s international terrorists wanted to disrupt daily life. 1/3

Today our home-grown, right-wing, white supremacists carry the baton. They take advantage of the internet, the airwaves (love AM/FM!) & wrap themselves in the flag & squeeze…


Added by Mark Small on June 1, 2022 at 7:47pm — No Comments

Have any mass shooters' browser histories been made public?

Few should be surprised. Mass shooters in recent yrs have been active on the internet & even have live streamed their crime. Lincoln said: “Let the people know the facts and the country will be safe.” Shooters’ browser histories could reveal a lot. We might learn nothing. Or? 1/3

We might see patterns of a specific ideology or how this country’s gun culture ramps up shooters. Some emails might be privileged, but browser histories only show searches. If anyone has found where…


Added by Mark Small on June 1, 2022 at 7:51am — No Comments

We've defined & banned AR-15s before & the ban was effective

An individual does not have a right, under the 2nd Amendment, to possess any kind of weapon at any time for any purpose. That opinion’s not mine, but the Supreme Court’s as expressed by the late Justice Antonin Scalia. D.C., et. al. v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570, 626 (2008). 1/5

Assault-style weapons, banned by Federal law from 1994 to 2004, were defined. State laws also have defined what such a weapon is. A problem with the 1994 ban its loopholes. A 2019 study published in Journal of…


Added by Mark Small on May 31, 2022 at 7:21am — 1 Comment

On the one hand are ppl who get their jollies from AR-15s & on the other hand millions live in fear

On the one hand: protect relatively recent “gun rights” of ppl who make inchoate claim liberty is promoted by private ownership of assault-style weapons (e.g., AR-15s) designed to kill a lot of ppl fast. On the other hand we have mass shootings, millions of kids are scared of school. 1/4

Ppl don’t have a right “to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose.” D.C., et. al. v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570, 626 (2008).There are parallels betw AR-15s…


Added by Mark Small on May 30, 2022 at 7:51pm — No Comments

Media, even local radio, glorify a false &a toxic image of guns

Weapons designed for maximum carnage in minimum time should be limited to their intended use: warfare. Also of significance for a weapon like the AR-15 is number of rounds held in the clip. Reloading takes time. The more rounds in the clip, the less frequent are reloads. 1/5

There is no reason for an individual to have an assault rifle or a clip for it that holds more than 5 rounds. In D.C. v. Heller, the SCOTUS decision, Justice Scalia, writing for the Court, said we do not have a…


Added by Mark Small on May 30, 2022 at 10:43am — No Comments

WIBC should change the show's title to "Chicken Guy"

Guns are special in America: good endings in movies & TV dramas (fiction); central to a (white person’s) telling of how the West was won (fiction); & is based on (a made-up) history of the 2nd Amendment). Local radio adds to the lies. Reality: 45,222 killed (2020)/54% suicides. 1/5

Gun narratives sell lies: guns deter/do not cause violence; guns brought America freedom. WIBC @guyrelford “Gun Guy” feeds gun culture. I criticized it. Mr Relford attacked me & invited me on…


Added by Mark Small on May 29, 2022 at 8:34pm — No Comments

If you can't beat the argument slam the person making the argument

A former pres, speaking Friday to the NRA, repeated the lie that you need a good guy w/a gun to beat a bad guy w/a gun. Lying is what trump does, but after mass shootings in Buffalo & Uvalde, where police had guns, one concept needs to be addressed. “You have to fight fire w/fire.” 1/6

The phrase is a mantra to defenders of private ownership of assault rifles & magazines that hold more than 5 rounds. The fire in New Mexico was exacerbated by planned burns, that seek to burn…


Added by Mark Small on May 29, 2022 at 6:55am — No Comments

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