Civil Discourse Now

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WIBC's "Gun Guy" should be specific: how many lives are saved by each little corpse in a mass shooting?

Epidemiology can determine if A causes B & deals w/“incidence, distribution & possible control of diseases & other factors relating to health.” Gun makers’ focus on humanitarian goal of killing more people more quickly neglects sales. E.g., causes of death usually are determined only 1/5

by autopsy but a 1964 Surgeon General’s report linked mainstream smoke (MSM) to cancer. Adult smokers went from 42% to 19%. (2014). Big Tobacco, for yrs, knew from their own studies that MSM from their cigs kills, but concealed this info out of humanitarian 2/5

concerns validated. Panic from release of the 1964 info led to the 42%/19% drop. Gun makers have to have paid for & received epidemiological studies to show guns prevent more killings than they cause. NRA funneled $ to Congress to block CDC studies of guns’ health risk. 3/5

1996: Dickey Amendment (bans CDC advocating/promoting gun control) & Tiahrt Amendments (ban release of “trace data” collected by ATF for most). WIBC’s “Gun Guy” should get gun makers’ studies. For every photo of kids’ bullet-riddled corpses, Relford 4/5

can flash how many deaths were prevented & how much profit made for each little corpse. He should say kids die to keep us free to cower under desks & attend funerals. And guns prevent crime & we have more guns than anyone ever so we have no crime! Right Guy? 5/5

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