Civil Discourse Now

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If you think U.S. overthrowing gov'ts is okay, be proud of migrants at our southern border!

We pause blog/tweets about The Constitution & ignorance (of Hamilton County preacher Micah Beckwith) to discuss people fr south of the Rio Grande who seek to cross the U.S. border. Too often ppl ask only: how do we keep them out? We should ask: why do they want in? 1/8

First, many cross Mexico fr other countries to get here. Axios reported 4/6/23 as “recently as FY 2019, 92% of all Border Patrol apprehensions [] migrants fr Mexico or [] the Northern Triangle Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.” Those countries’ poverty is our fault. 2/8

GUATEMALA: CIA “orchestrated” a coup of democratically-elected Pres Arbenz & replaced him w/a dictator because Arbenz’s land reforms threatened US-owned United Fruit Co. which owned 42% of the nation’s land & ZERO taxes. HISTORY CH, 06/10/22. 3/8

HONDURAS: turned by US fruit corps fr impoverished tropical backwater to huge plantation at 20th century’s start. We dominated its economy/politics, backed military coups & used it as a base to attack Nicaragua in the 1980s.” THE GUARDIAN, 11/27/09. 4/8

EL SALVADOR: 1980s civil war where we backed oligarchs & generals, in powerr for decades, who kept peasants illiterate/poor. Bloody, brutal & dirty: > 75K Salvadorans were killed in the fighting, most “victims of the military & its death squads. THE ATLANTIC, 09/22/20. 5/8

MEXICO: Including the 1846–1848 war & U.S. seizure of nearly half of Mexico, U.S. military has invaded Mexico at least ten times. “Instances of Use of United States Armed Forces Abroad, 1798-2020,” Bottom line: we preached, 6/8

democracy overthrew elected gov’ts we didn’t like, installed or backed dictators who sold out their countries’ resources for pennies on the dollar. After generations, ppl from these countries want into the USA. I wouldn’t blame them if they want their “stuff” back. 7/8

But they want jobs, usually low-paying w/harsh conditions that U.S. citizens are too good to do. If you value U.S. imperialism, you should be proud. This surge of people willing to take crap jobs should be a beacon for all who value ... war, the greed it furthers and cruelty. 8/8

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