Civil Discourse Now

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Gun violence deaths: we need a coefficient of deterrence

Gun violence shouldn’t bore America. Three dead like yesterday in New Mexico, 30 years ago, merited a few thoughts & a dozen prayers, but now 3 dead (in a State w/5 elector votes) can’t get either heads-up-the-orifice trumpers or any deities to expend a furrowed brow or a Hail Mary.1/4

God takes my calls. She said those who help themselves means State legislatures are on the hook. God, however, overlooks a salient feature of gun violence. Gun nuts say more guns = less crime. Gun nuts get technical. (“It’s a ‘magazine,’ not a ‘clip’!”) We need a coefficient, i.e., every 2/4

gun death prevents X number of deaths. On Indy’s WIBC, the “Gun Guy” chuckles & advances gun culture each week. Clueless about 2A history (pre-1970) & individual rights, he might know a coefficient. Media-savvy people know the appeal of exact numbers. Hoosier John Dillinger3/4

said he could rob a bank in “One minute and forty seconds flat.” The gun industry can pony up & pay experts-for-hire to fake studies. And it’s tax deductible! The Gun Guy can post one column, in red, of actual gun deaths. A 2nd column, number of deaths prevented, would be in brown. 4/4

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