Civil Discourse Now

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Mark Small's Blog – July 2024 Archive (5)

Price this country pays by internal Demo indecision

We can learn from history. On 7/2/1964, LBJ signed the 1964 Civil Rights Act into law. Senate filibuster was overcome w/teamwork of Sen Hubert Humphrey (D-MN), Pres Johnson, and Sen Everett Dirksen (R-IL). [FN1] On 11/3/64, LBJ won election in a landslide. [FN2] 1/19

LBJ lost five States of the Deep South that had been part of the “Solid South” that had voted for the Democratic Party since Reconstruction. [FN3] By 1968, because LBJ had expanded the U.S. military in Vietnam, his…


Added by Mark Small on July 4, 2024 at 11:08am — No Comments

This iteration of the GOP and its nihilism

Jesse Helms, a senator from North Carolina, was proud to be called “Senator No.” He blocked legislation. That is the essence of this iteration of the GOP: nihilism. While some Dems insist President Biden needs to step aside, consider: 1/7

1) Pres Biden has done a great job [FN1] but maga world can’t acknowledge most of the work was necessary to clean up the mess trump left. They’ve been conditioned to believe good only can be done by trump. 2/7

2) maga will scream anyone who…


Added by Mark Small on July 3, 2024 at 11:13am — No Comments

Other aspects of the decision, re: Beckwith

The 7/1/24 decision in Trump v U..S., 23-939, creates & confers, upon a President, an immunity quite broad. The opinion refers to “a large and angry crowd” that “violently attacked the Capitol” on Jan 6. (Op. at p. 2.) Something more disgusting than the opinion? Micah Beckwith 1/10

IN GOP nominee for Lt Gov, said, in a Jan 7, 2021, selfie video that “The Lord” said “I sent those riots to Washington.” In a 2023 interview, Beckwith adds details & passes judgment on “God”: “So I…


Added by Mark Small on July 2, 2024 at 7:37pm — No Comments

Possibilities in the next months

Yesterday’s SCOTUS decision created law from thin air and is in conflict w/The Constitution. Justices are “bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution.” [FN1] Statute requires each swears/affirms to perform all duties under The Constitution. [FN2] Roberts, C.J. 1/14

ignored the text of The Constitution. [FN3] Art. II, §4 states a president can be removed from office for crimes. [FN4] Art. I, §3, clause 7 states that impeachment results in the president’s removal from…


Added by Mark Small on July 2, 2024 at 10:56am — No Comments

The Roberts Court strikes again

Professor Galanti announced, at the start of the first lecture that semester, “Welcome to Antitrust Law. Ronald Reagan is president. We shall study the law as it once was.” This country’s history [FN1] showed excesses of capitalism had to be controlled by antitrust laws. [FN2] 1/8

An entire body of law & protections it provided got jettisoned today. The Roberts Court [FN3] gutted a premise of our system, that no one is above the law. In 1787, the seriousness of the delegates in…


Added by Mark Small on July 1, 2024 at 4:40pm — No Comments

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