Civil Discourse Now

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This iteration of the GOP and its nihilism

Jesse Helms, a senator from North Carolina, was proud to be called “Senator No.” He blocked legislation. That is the essence of this iteration of the GOP: nihilism. While some Dems insist President Biden needs to step aside, consider: 1/7

1) Pres Biden has done a great job [FN1] but maga world can’t acknowledge most of the work was necessary to clean up the mess trump left. They’ve been conditioned to believe good only can be done by trump. 2/7

2) maga will scream anyone who replaces Pres Biden on the ticket is far worse than Biden. [FN2] POLICY IS NOT IN PLAY. In his first 2 years in (stolen) office, trump had majorities in both houses and still couldn’t overturn Obamacare or build his goddamn wall. 3/7

The Democratic Party and this iteration of the GOP are similar to the Federation of Planets and Romulans on “Star Trek.” The Democratic Party is always bickering but trying to do good. The GOP kills things and eats worms. 4/7

People need to focus. We’re losing this country to fascism. If trump returns to the Oval Office, Putin won’t allow him to leave. The 6 GOP whores on SCOTUS will tell us how The Framers got it all wrong about term limits (& ignore Amendment XXII). 5/7

Lincoln said, “Let the people know the facts, and the country will be safe.” This iteration of the GOP has no right to call itself the Party of Lincoln. My blogs are pulled down, on FB, almost as soon as I post them. If you actually read this someplace, please pass it on. 6/7

FN1. that rebuilt infrastructure, helped this country to recover from trump's bungling of the pandemic, and kick-started the economy.
FN2. Never let your opponent pick your lineup. 7/7

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