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Other aspects of the decision, re: Beckwith

The 7/1/24 decision in Trump v U..S., 23-939, creates & confers, upon a President, an immunity quite broad. The opinion refers to “a large and angry crowd” that “violently attacked the Capitol” on Jan 6. (Op. at p. 2.) Something more disgusting than the opinion? Micah Beckwith 1/10

IN GOP nominee for Lt Gov, said, in a Jan 7, 2021, selfie video that “The Lord” said “I sent those riots to Washington.” In a 2023 interview, Beckwith adds details & passes judgment on “God”: “So I believe that the Lord is doing and allowing [] even sending at times 2/10

people to do things like what we saw on January 6. Now, I don't think it was an insurrection by any stretch of the imagination.” [FN1] Mob violence is in “riot” & “insurrection,” but insurrection: “an organized and armed uprising against authority.” [FN2] 3/10

Beckwith disagrees that events on Jan 6 were violent. [FN3] One may infer that “God,” as all-knowing, would be aware of these legal nuances. [FN4] Beckwith believed it enough w/in 24 hours of the “riots” to do a selfie, but not enough to contact the parties’ attorneys or 4/

anyone w/the Court to say “God” made those people do it. [FN5] Separation of church & State means Beckwith can choose his “God.” [FN6] Because Beckwith seeks elective office, he cannot use government to push his specific religion. 5/

Beckwith believes only Christians have the capacity to be moral. [FN7] Beckwith would discriminate against people on the basis of religion. That discrimination is immoral & makes Beckwith unworthy for public office. 6/10

FN1. 1/7/21 selfie video on FB, Beckwith recounts: “‘Micah…I sent those riots to Washington.’ He said, ‘what you saw yesterday was my hand at work.’’ Wren, Confessions of an (alleged) book banner, Importantville, 9/24/23. 7/10

FN2. Black’s Law Dictionary, 10th ed., 2014, p. 928, citing 77 C.J.S. Riot; Insurrection §29, at 579 (1994). 8/10

FN3. “blasphemy”: “Irreverence toward or contempt for God.” Black’s at 205. These comments are a matter for Beckwith & “God,” or Beckwith’s dentist (amalgam fillings explain the voice).
FN4. I’ll side w/“God”: they were riots.
FN5. Alito and Barrett probably would have bought it. 9/10

FN6. United States v. Ballard, 322 U.S. 78, (1944). Whether a religious belief is true or false is irrelevant to a judicial determination, as long as the belief is sincerely held. 9/
FN7. 10/24/19 video, “The Church’s role in politics,” Beckwith: “the church” provides morality America was founded on & you cannot be moral if you are a “Hindu, an atheist or a Jew.” 10/10

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