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Democratic Party nominee for IN Lt Gov,Terry Goodin, set for a debate

There will be a debate between the candidates for Indiana lieutenant governor of the two major parties. Democratic Party nominee Terry Goodin and [ ], the nominee of this iteration of the GOP will debate on August 13. [FN1] 1/5

The online announcement states this is "a first-hand opportunity to understand the views of the lieutenant governor candidates on agriculture and rural issues and the impact on Indiana's economy." Mr Goodin is Indiana’s director of USDA Rural Development. [FN2] 2/5

Mr Goodin received bachelor’s and master’s degrees at Eastern Kentucky University. EKU had a debate program that was pretty decent. When I coached IUPUI’s debate team (1990-94), we did pretty well in the Bluegrass Swing Tournament. [FN2] 3/5

There is no indication Mr Goodin was on EKU’s debate team. Odds already are available on whether Mr Goodin’s opponent will appear. 4/5

FN1. Tuesday, August 13, at 3 pm at the Indiana State Fairgrounds, in the Purdue Extension Building.
FN2. Wikipedia, “Terry Goodin,” accessed 07/28/2024.
FN3. The first day of the tournament was held at EKU, in Richmond, KY and the second day at Transylvania University, 20 miles away in Lexington. 5/5

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