Civil Discourse Now

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There have been three elections for President, in recent history where the Democratic Party was split, going into the party convention, over whom to nominate. In each instance, the GOP ticket claimed the Oval Office and our country and the World were harmed. 1/10

Democratic Party leaders argue whether Pres Biden should remain on the ticket. The 1st debate w/the presumed nominee (“trump”) of this iteration of the GOP has shoved aside 3 ½ years of recovery from four years of trump bungling. [FN1] [FN2] Last words about Nixon. 2/10

Nixon blew a big lead in the last days of the 1968 campaign. As noted in the previous blog, he undermined peace talks to end U.S. military involvement in Vietnam so the Democratic ticket could not win votes by ending that conflict. In that, Nixon committed treason. [FN3] 3/10

About one third of 58,220 U.S. military personnel killed in Vietnam were killed during Nixon’s presidency. [FN4] [FN5] Nixon timed “military withdrawal [] to his reelection campaign” that cost the lives of more than 20,000 American soldiers and the lives of Vietnamese, 4/10

Laotians and Cambodians many times higher. Nixon had to make the inevitable fall of Saigon happened after Election Day, 1972. [FN6] This has been characterized by Ken Hughes as “by far Nixon’s worst abuse of presidential power.” 5/10

On Pres Biden as a candidate for re-election, people need to understand what has happened when a GOP President takes office: people die in the field. The GOP’s Oval Office occupants did that. trump has to be stopped from taking an Oval Office he’ll never leave. 6/10

FN1. & trump has promised to be a dictator.
FN2. The Heritage Foundation is in the wings w/Project 2025. 7/10

FN3. The crime of treason is defined by the Constitution: “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort...” . Art III, § 3. 8/10

FN4. Olan McEvoy, Statista, “Vietnam War: U.S. military personnel and casualties 1964-1975,” 07/04/24.
FN5. “Nixon and Vietnam,” Digital History, Original History ID 3464. 9/10

FN6. Bryan McKenzie, UVA Today, “Vietnam War’s End Created Peace – Just In Time For Reelection,”1/27/23; citing Ken Hughes, American presidential historian, UVA Miller Center.
FN7. Id. 10/10

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