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Evangelicals don't believe other Christians really are, well, Christians

With a nod & a wink they assure you. Christians stick together, right? They’re Christians. If you don’t believe it, ask them. They get your vote. Then you find out they don’t believe you really are a Christian. You “sprinkle” instead of fully immersing for baptism. Or you worship statutes. 1/6

The Framers of The Constitution wanted to separate church & State, not because of any beliefs but Christianity. A lot of people in Europe died because of The Reformation, in which…


Added by Mark Small on June 25, 2022 at 1:28pm — No Comments

Evangelicals and abuse or neglect of kids

Evangelicals have political power far in excess of their numbers in Indiana & in violation of separation of church and State. Abuse or neglect of a child is a criminal act. One may reasonably infer that evangelicals believe causing a child to go to hell is harmful to that child. 1/5

Parents have a fundamental rt to raise their children, but this rt is not absolute. In re K.T.K. 989 N.E.2d 1225, 1230 (Ind. 2013). When parents are unwilling to meet parental responsibilities, their…


Added by Mark Small on June 25, 2022 at 11:07am — No Comments

Do not vote for any GOP candidates for U.S. House or Senate & I can say that as a GOP nominee & office holder

Majority rule is anathema to this iteration of the Republican Party. After all, its candidates for the Oval Office lost the popular vote eight of the last 10 elections. Despite its losers, the GOP has named six of the nine Justices on a Roberts Court that is as redolent as the Taney Court. 1/7

IN GOP Rule 1-6. If an individual openly supports a candidate after the primary who opposes a GOP candidate, they are not in good standing in the GOP & may be removed for cause. That’s the…


Added by Mark Small on June 24, 2022 at 12:42pm — No Comments

Questionnaire from Advance America, a right-wing NFP POS.

News today is depressing. The rule of law expires thanks to less-than-candid answers given at confirmation hearings. Gun guys dance as the 2nd Amendment is shot full of steroids & expands far beyond “original intent.” More ppl will be shot full holes. Kids aren’t safe. 1/7

We didn’t have mass school shootings until the NRA & its whores gave everyone guns to make us more safe. Teachers in public schools either can be shot with their kids or face jail time for teaching actual…


Added by Mark Small on June 23, 2022 at 4:23pm — No Comments

There's no such creature as a "RINO"

RINO (Republican in Name Only) What trump calls NE1 in GOP who opposes him. On 6/22 I was called RINO by person who 1) appears 2 B a troll & 2) is ignorant of IN GOP corp docs & history. IN GOP: not-4-profit incorp’d 2005 by Terre Haute/former Cit United atty J. Bopp. 1/4

IN GOP’s articles of incorp’n/rules don’t mention ideology but insulate entity that can’t be taken over as it was in 2005. Plus statutes give GOP automatic powers as one of 2 “major” political parties. As…


Added by Mark Small on June 23, 2022 at 6:56am — No Comments

We need poll workers & not guns at the polls

I worked the polls in 2006. The work was not pleasant. We had to be there from before the polls opened to after the polls closed. There was no question the voting was consistent with the law. A paper record was created after the electronic vote was cast. Both “major” parties had reps. 1/3

Poll workers from Georgia did their jobs & were doxed & terrorized to regret working the polls. Pres Biden didn’t win by fraud. The only fraud was for #45. Otoh, in 2016 trump got the Oval…


Added by Mark Small on June 21, 2022 at 7:34pm — No Comments

What we can expect as a result of the "pro-life" overturning of Roe: deaths.

Evangelicals, et al, are poised to get what they’ve wanted: overturn Roe v Wade. Politico has noted: According to Paul Weyrich, conservative activist & architect of the Religious Right, the movement’s initial focus was segregation They were for it) in the 1970s. As noted 1/6

in Roe, abortion has been common & accepted throughout history, by Christians and, strongly, by Judaism. 410 U.S. 129-30. Evangelicals no longer could advocate overtly for racism, so they shifted to…


Added by Mark Small on June 21, 2022 at 6:40am — No Comments

Guns kill a lot of people in an American way of death

Guns kill a lot of people in the USA each day. If person (a) can’t get or (b) is delayed in getting a gun, lives are saved. A lawyer on radio today demeaned the deterrent effect of criminal penalties for gun offenses. His avocation is to sell gun violence. Time is irrelevant. Guns rule.1/6

Guns have ruled our public schools for 20 years. Hundreds of millions of guns in the USA have not made us more “free.” So the sales pitch of such merchants of death is we need more guns to be able…


Added by Mark Small on June 20, 2022 at 8:02pm — No Comments

GOP nominee for Sec'y of State, IN's chief election officer, believes "The Big Lie."

Diego Morales is the surprise IN GOP nominee for Secy of State. State GOP rule Rule 1-6: one “who openly supports a candidate who opposes GOP candidate is not in good standing” & may be removed. Rules 3-22 & 3-23. That means free speech is not a value in IN’s GOP. 1/4

Mr Morales (1) believes The Big Lie, i.e., trump won in 2020 & thus (2) Mr Morales, if elected, could impede, rather than help ensure, fair elections. I have not said I support either Jeff Maurer, the…


Added by Mark Small on June 20, 2022 at 2:21pm — No Comments

Platform for today's IN GOP convention: NOT a "party for all"

The Platform for the 2022 IN GOP convention today at The Fairgrounds, proclaims the GOP is a “Party for All,” but header is contradicted by the contents. IN GOP is a “Party for All” that are white, gun-totin’, evangelicals with minds stuck in the ‘50s. “Core Beliefs”? 1/6

“We believe the First Amendment” is a nifty header for 1A “guarantees the freedom of religion, not from religion, and it protects political and religious speech.” The Establishment clause is freedom from religion.…


Added by Mark Small on June 18, 2022 at 7:52am — No Comments

IN State GOP delegates, 6/18/22 convention, chicken excrement & guns

In “Jaws” 2 kids prank people on the beach by swimming around with a fake dorsal fin. The kids break the surface with guns pointed at them. One kid says: “He made me!” It’s convenient to lay the blame on someone else. Tomorrow Indiana’s GOP holds its convention. 1/5

Brave souls of the GOP who defend rights (never intended) under the 2nd Amendment will allow attendees to have guns. Right? No, per “the policy of the Indiana State Fairgrounds, no firearms are permitted inside the…


Added by Mark Small on June 17, 2022 at 7:56pm — No Comments

I hope WIBC's Rob Kendall's comment about "Black Death" wasn't what it sounded like

Local radio station WIBC has history, some good. The past few years it’s been a place for far-right shows otherwise homeless. This morning on “Kendall & Casey,” Rob Kendall expressed disgust for people who “politicize” mass shootings. He meant pro-gun control ppl. 1/5

He’s not been outraged by the NRA or gun manufacturers who pay members of Congress to stop gun control. Buying Congress politicizes the issue, but in a different way. Protests after shootings are the only recourse…


Added by Mark Small on June 16, 2022 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Only hatred of women allows rapists parental rights under IN law

Indiana should not allow rapists to have any rights to visitation, much less extract support, from women whom they have raped & impregnated. That’s what Indiana law allows. Louisiana has set an example of how these laws play out. That this could happen is absurd & evil. IN law: 1/5

woman has sole custody of child born out of wedlock. I.C. 31-14-13-1. If rapist contests, Court determines custody based on child’s best int w/no presumption favoring either parent. Strangers (as in…


Added by Mark Small on June 15, 2022 at 9:00pm — No Comments

IN is like LA where woman who was raped & gave birth now pays child support to the rapist.

Last January I noted that, under Indiana law, a woman who is raped, impregnated, and gives birth to the child can be forced to allow the rapist visitation and even could lose custody and be forced to pay child support to the rapist. Louisiana, it appears, has laws of similar effect. 1/6

The woman, now 32, was allegedly raped at age 16 by a man nearly twice her age whom she had never previously met. One commentator said “to be forced to pay her rapist child support and legal fees and…


Added by Mark Small on June 15, 2022 at 9:44am — No Comments

Gun culture is based on toxic fiction & we need to deny it

Gun culture is based on toxic fiction. Law men rarely faced down bad guys and the one with the quicker draw won “almost never happened.” John Mack Faragher, Howard R. Lamar Prof of History & American Studies, Yale, 7/21/15. Law men had courts, warrants and deputies. 1/5

Also towns like Tombstone and Dodge City banned guns & even “open carry” because guns kill people. Writers of “dime novels,” popular in the late 1800s, ignored reality & sold stories where guns ultimately… Continue

Added by Mark Small on June 13, 2022 at 8:07pm — No Comments

Principle is the same as spoliation of evidence

People decide how to vote based on information from a lot of sources, including conversations at work, w/family or w/friends. Some “well-known facts” are facts only because no one questions them. An example is that a gun works (1) for self-defense & (2) more often hurts bad guys. 1/5

6/12 I compared NRA’s stopping CDC peer-reviewed studies of gun violence as health risk to tobacco companies’ suppressing studies that showed mainstream smoke (MSM) harms its users. Inferences arise…


Added by Mark Small on June 13, 2022 at 7:27am — No Comments

Legal inference should exist that guns cause more harm than they prevent

In 1950s & 1960s tobacco companies denied mainstream smoke (MSM) harms its users & even said MSM is good for one’s health. In 1964 the Surgeon General issued a report & people found out what tobacco companies had known for years: MSM kills about 1/3 of its users. 1/5

In 1964 approximately 42% of adult in USA smoked. Today that’s 18%. People avoid things that kill. People learned about cigs/cancer & many quit. Since mid-1990s NRA effectively has barred CDC from…


Added by Mark Small on June 12, 2022 at 1:52pm — No Comments

Has anyone in those family "gun" photos deterred a crime yet? Or shot someone or been shot?

In photos posted on social media these people smile, weapons on the ground or firmly grasped. If “gun loving” households thwart thieves, gun zealots should want to let us know. If a person in one of these photos is shot, commits suicide or shoots a loved one, we have a right to know. 1/4

By publishing photos they waived objection to public interest in what their guns do. Since mid-1990s NRA effectively has barred CDC from sponsoring peer reviewed studies of gun violence. People have a…


Added by Mark Small on June 12, 2022 at 7:00am — No Comments

Don't say we only want "sensible" gun control laws

At today’s rally against gun violence, about 350 people listened to several speakers. People are disgusted. But stop talking about “sensible” gun laws as that concedes ground before we start. It is the guns anywhere/anytime/for anyone crowd that changed the law. Gun control wasn’t 1/4

questioned in this nation’s early years. Handguns, e.g., were seen as threats to public safety & limited. Southern States sought to stop duels. Later, the West was not so “wild.” Tombstone and Dodge…


Added by Mark Small on June 11, 2022 at 2:18pm — No Comments

Rally today against gun violence, a concept some guys don't get

What: Indy’s March for Our Lives, to protest gun violence Where: Tarkington Park, Meridian & 40th When: today, June 11 at noon. I’ll wear an orange “We Can Stop Gun Violence” t-shirt. The steps we can take to reduce gun deaths are not difficult & can reduce 43,222 dead (2020). 1/6

Host of a gun show on WIBC, in the dunes of the IQ Desert, said I want to repeal the 2nd Amend. I’ll be charitable & infer he said this from ignorance. I’ve never said 2A should be repealed. It’s…


Added by Mark Small on June 11, 2022 at 6:24am — No Comments

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