Civil Discourse Now

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Military mind-sets are not good for domestic policy

For 78 years USA has talked more “war” than’s been waged. LBJ (poverty) and Nixon (drugs & crime) had wars. Recent talk has been of a “second civil war.” “The Congress shall have Power [] To declare War.” (Const. Art. I, sec. 8.) USA only has fought in five (5) wars: 1/6

1) War of 1812: British troops sacked D.C. & we had a tie. (U.S.: 0-0-1.) 2) Mexican-American War: Pres Polk sd Mexico attacked U.S. troops on U.S. soil. Others disagreed. U.S. won. (U.S.: 1-0-1.) 3) Spanish-American War: battleship Maine blew up in Havana, U.S. got lots of land 2/6

& > U.S. soldiers & sailors died fr tainted meat than died in battle. (U.S.: 2-0-1.) 4) WWI: U.S. profits on the war began to fade so, shortly after Pres Wilson was re-elected on a promise to keep U.S. out of war, he decided war wasn’t a bad idea (for him). Our troops were fodder to bring 3/6

about Treaty of Versailles. (U.S.: 3-0-1.) 5: WWII. Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, we declared war & Japan’s treaty w/Germany meant we fought Hitler, too. After the nuclear dust settled, we had won. (U.S.: 4-0-1.) Missing from list: Revolutionary War (this was not yet a nation) and 4/6

The Civil War (the States seceded & committed treason, a criminal act. Art. III, sec. 3). Inter’l treaties, intern’l law, and our own statutes scrutinize a “war” more than simply sending troops someplace. The Framers opposed standing armies. Madison, at 1787 Const’l Convention: 5/6

“A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty.” U.S. military has been engaged globally for > 2 decades. Military approaches to civil policy do not go well & for military? Do as The Constitution requires.6/6

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