6 SCOTUS justices, all GOP nominees, were given gifts, trips, $ & other bennies by ppl w/cases before the Court. The urge to vomit is great when “justice” is associated w/the names Thomas, Roberts, Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh & Barrett. Roberts compared a judge’s role w/that of 1/4
a baseball umpire. Okay, Shoeless Joe Jackson sinned far less than these 6, yet Jackson, one of the greatest hitters to play the game, was banned for life. These 6 have lifetime appointments to the highest court in our country. “Bribery” is a federal crime. 18 U.S.C. §201. It consists of 2/4
corrupt payment, receipt, or solicitation of a private profit for official action. Black’s Law Dict, 10th ed., 2014, p. 229. Also, as nominees several of the 6 lied under oath to secure office. Paid, rented/leased & confirmed, these 6 comprise a majority of the most corrupt SCOTUS 3/4
ever. If these individuals do not resign, they should be impeached, tried & if convicted, removed from office. To para-phrase Nixon during Watergate: The American people want to know if the justices of the Supreme Court are crooks. Well: they are crooks. 4/4
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