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History repeats itself: the KKK 100 years ago & MAGA today

Fr U.S. Holocaust Mem Museum: “...Supreme Allied Commander Dwight D. Eisenhower had studied his WW II enemy, he was unprepared for the Nazi brutality he witnessed at Ohrdruf concentration camp in April 1945. Bodies [] piled like wood [] living skeletons struggled 1/8

to survive.[] Eisenhower foresaw a day when the horrors of the Holocaust might be denied. He invited [] media to document the scene. He compelled Germans in [] surrounding towns & any soldier not fighting at the front to witness the atrocities for themselves.” This week the 2/8

(wrongly) named “Moms for Liberty of Hamilton County,” in a newsletter included a quote from the Austrian former corporal who led Der Reich. His words were on a page splashed with red, white and blue. On Thursday at a Hamilton County library board meeting, a citizen asked 3/8

for a moment of silence for victims of the Holocaust. Members of “Moms” coughed during the time requested for silence. The citizen was escorted, by ISP, out of the meeting at the request of board president. HISTORY: 1924's KKK gathering in Malfalfa Park, near Kokomo, was 4/8

said to be the largest gathering of ppl for a 1-day event. “It is a fact that few Hoosiers dared to stand up to the KKK.” Leibowitz, My Indiana, 1964, p. 215. Grand Dragon D.C. Stephenson was convicted for Madge Oberholzer’s abduction, rape & murder in 1925, but neither the KKK, 5/8

nor the antisemitism & racism & pure damn hatred that drew people to it, went away overnight. But even in 1924 some stood their ground. At the Rainbow Division convention in Indy, Fr Patrick Duffy “of the Fighting Sixty-Ninth” to speak. “Kluxers” sent to protest, called 6/8

Fr Duffy’s presence “highly unpatriotic & un-American.” A veteran said: “‘You go to hell! Father Duffy was in the Rainbow & this division knew no question of creed. He is one of our buddies and he is going to speak & if you people don’t like it 7/8

you can get the hell off the stage.” Leibowitz, p. 215. Those were vets of WWI. In WWII, U.S. military fought the Nazis. Some GIs landed on beaches & ran into fire. So to those who think it’s cute to pose w/symbols of hatred or doubt the Holocaust occurred, I say: go to hell. 8/8

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