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Jury nullification & prosecution of trump

Possibility: trump is indicted in U.S. District Court, for the Southern District of New York for tax evasion. During voir dire (jury selection) each eventual juror testifies to having an open mind & no pre-conceived notion of guilt or innocence. The evidence of guilt is slam-dunk... 1/7

After closing arguments, the jury deliberates for two weeks. Finally the court declares a mistrial because one juror held out and voted “not guilty.” “Jury nullification” is a concept: juror(s)… Continue

Added by Mark Small on January 16, 2022 at 4:21pm — No Comments

So what if insurrectionists are indicted? Jury nullification

After indictments are handed down, those who sought, on January 6, to overthrow the elected government of the United States, have backup plans. One that should be mentioned is the jury system. For years people on the far right have sown seeds. 1/4

Jury nullification: a concept that, regardless of Court’s instructions or evidence presented, jury deliberations almost are sacrosanct. As a general rule a jury’s verdict can be impeached only for outside influences (people communication…


Added by Mark Small on January 14, 2022 at 9:37pm — 1 Comment

Niederberger: 1st GOP Islamic candidate in Indiana?:

Danny Niederberger, primary challenger to incumbent Sen. Todd Young in the GOP, finished 11th in 2020's GOP primary for INCD5. His current website is light on content but one thing about neo-fascism is its simplicity of views seldom changes. 1/8

On 10/8/19 Danny was asked “Do you believe the electoral college should be abolished?” His answer gives insight into his lack of knowledge of The Constitution: “Absolutely not. The Electoral College is essential in the foundation of the United…


Added by Mark Small on January 14, 2022 at 4:47pm — No Comments

COVID hits home

COVID has hit the USA hard w/over 800K dead & economic devastation for many. We have a federal gov’t (finally) trying to do things that should have been done at the beginning, except the Supreme Court stepped in and ... I’ll address that in a later blog. 1/4

COVID hit home for me when I self-quarantined, but tested negative. COVID hit home harder today when knee surgery got bumped because of the surge at hospitals. I am in pain. There probably are people w/circumstances worse than…


Added by Mark Small on January 14, 2022 at 1:07pm — No Comments

Final urine Drink of the Day

URINE DRINK OF THE DAY: Hurricane. 2 oz light & dark rums, 1 oz lime & orange juices, 1/2 oz passion fruit puree & simple syrup, 8 oz urine from Mardi Gras, 1 tsp grenadine, Garnish: orange half-wheel & preserved cherry. Combine in shaker w/ice. Add garnish Cheers! 1/2

For all you MAGA ppl so silly you believe quaffing effluence from the bladder cures what we face in the pandemic, the several recipes I've provided, to make your libation tastier, should be enough. 2/2

Added by Mark Small on January 14, 2022 at 6:52am — No Comments

Urine drink of the Day: Summer Rain

URINE DRINK OF THE DAY: Summer Rain. 1 oz raspberry puree, 1 oz grapefruit juice, 8 oz urine (of someone who tans well), 1 oz pineapple juice, 2 oz orange sherbert, 1 oz of lemonade
Blend (except lemonade) briefly w/4 oz crushed ice, pour. Add lemonade, garnish with fruit, add straws and serve.

Added by Mark Small on January 13, 2022 at 6:58am — No Comments

Defeat vestiges of slavery - Vote!

Red/blue, black/white, left/right, up/down: too many people prefer their reality to be simple. This country’s history of racism is both complex & simple. American-style chattel slavery was pure racism. Indentured servitude morphed to slavery only for those of direct African descent. 1/6

1619-1789: slavery legal; 1789-1865: slavery protected by The Constitution; 1865-1954: racism part of our laws. Even after Brown v Bd of Education, 347 U.S. 543 (1954) racism blocked right to vote.…


Added by Mark Small on January 12, 2022 at 9:42pm — No Comments

Urine drink of the day: Strange Warm Bay Breeze

URINE DRINK OF THE DAY: Strange Warm Bay Breeze. In 16-oz glass combine 1.5 oz vodka, 2 oz cranberry juice, 8 oz urine (from a stranger), 2 oz pineapple juice, lime wedge. (If you are stupid enough to drink urine, that it's from a stranger’s is the least of your problems.) Serve lukewarm. Cheers!

Added by Mark Small on January 12, 2022 at 6:27am — No Comments

On Jan 11 show, 7 pm We discuss the environment with guests Jennifer Christie and Matt Hook

At 7 on January 11, 7 pm, my guests will be Jennifer Christie and Matt Hook. We shall discuss the environment and issues related to it. In particular we shall discuss global climate change as caused by people. 1/6

Jennifer Christie is a scientist, mom of four children, and an advocate for Indiana’s environment. She worked for decades as a process improvement leader in the pharmaceutical industry where she focused on improving clinical trials, managing teams and projects…


Added by Mark Small on January 11, 2022 at 6:13pm — No Comments

Urine drink of the Day: Golden Shower

URINE DRINK OF THE DAY: "Golden Shower." 1 oz vodka, 1 oz orange juice, 1/2 oz fresh lemon juice, 1 splash triple sec, 8 oz fresh urine (your own or someone's you know) Serve in an Old Fashioned glass. Cheers!

Added by Mark Small on January 11, 2022 at 6:15am — No Comments

Urine drink of the day

For those of you who choose such a respite in the fight against pandemics.
1 1/2 oz Bourbon or Rye whiskey, 1 Sugar cube, 2 dashes bitters, 8 ounces urine (yours or someone’s you know). Place sugar cube in old fashioned glass and saturate with bitters, add urine. Muddle until dissolved. Fill the glass with ice cubes and add whiskey. Garnish with orange slice, and a cocktail cherry.

Added by Mark Small on January 10, 2022 at 7:16pm — No Comments

Nihilism of fundamentalist religion is a dynamic of the GOP

An elephant in the room receives little mention, but has perhaps the biggest impact of all. They are called fundamentalists, born-agains or evangelicals. They seem numerous amongst MAGA crowd. These people believe the destruction of the Earth is good. 1/4

Revelations, the last book of the new testament, is the main source for this nihilistic view. Chuck Manson, one-time student at Arsenal Tech, relied upon Revelations for a theory of Helter Skelter. He misconstrued The Beatles, too,…


Added by Mark Small on January 10, 2022 at 5:12pm — No Comments

Confederate leaders aren't the only ones subject to Amend XIV ban

Constitution, Amend. XIV, sec. 3 states no person who has “previously taken an oath”to support the Constitution” who has engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the U.S. shall hold any federal or State office. Initial targets were prior leaders of the Confederacy. 1/3

They committed treason to protect the institution of slavery. More people in this country died in the Civil War than any other national emergency prior to COVID. To cast trump, et al, in the same light as Davis,…


Added by Mark Small on January 9, 2022 at 8:56pm — No Comments

If Indiana AG Rokita doesn't believe the numbers he should provide evidence as to why

Todd Rokita, Indiana’s right wing, AG sued the Biden admin over vaccine mandates. Rokita doesn’t “believe any numbers anymore ... they’re politicized.” Set aside for a moment that the GOP has politicized COVID. Instead consider Rokita's duty as AG. 1/4

AG’s “rights, powers, and duties” are created by statute (See I.C. § 4-6-1-6) and been construed as giving AG sole responsibility for legal representation of IN. State ex rel Sendak v Marion Sup. Ct, 268 Ind. 3, 8 (Ind. 1978). The…


Added by Mark Small on January 9, 2022 at 9:09am — No Comments

Could Ashli Babbitt be the next Horst Wessel?

Parallels between trump & a corporal who took power in 1933? 1) Both had best-sellers, but the corporal actually wrote his. 2) The corporal was actually rich, from his book, while trump’s debt is in hundreds of millions. 3) The corporal actually won his election as Chancellor. 1/4

4) The corporal fought in WWI, while trump dodged Vietnam. 5) The corporal went to prison, a fate trump has avoided (so far). Ach! What about followers? Horst Vessel, a 1930 martyr for the…


Added by Mark Small on January 8, 2022 at 8:20am — No Comments

Patience, facts & reason in the face of MAGA lies: call in Bat Boy!

“Bat Boy,”a character, 1992-2007, in the “Weekly World News”was as real as any of the stories in that paper, or any other tabloids, meaning not at all. We made fun of those papers. Bat Boy was a symbol. No one, we thought, could take seriously such a break from reality. 1/4

We were wrong. People who believed in Bat Boy now believe COVID was a hoax, but one cured by trump, with vaccines he developed (in Operation Warp Speed), but which Antifa/Deep State use implant “chips” in the…


Added by Mark Small on January 7, 2022 at 9:10pm — No Comments

Rape, abortion & the Indiana General Assembly

Elections affect rights. Indiana law protects Dad’s rights, even in rape. Woman who gives birth out of wedlock has sole custody. I.C. § 31-14-13-1. If contested, court determines custody based on child’s best interest w/no “presumption favoring either parent.” Factors considered? 1/6

Include “pattern of domestic/family violence by either parent.” I.C. § 31-14-13-2. (Strangers not pattern or dom/family violence. I.C. 35-31.5-2-78) Parent w/custody determines kid's upbringing, unless…


Added by Mark Small on January 7, 2022 at 6:42am — 1 Comment

Jan 6 & a short lesson in the math of would-be dictators

Government sufficient for us is not simple; sometimes neither is math. Some threaten the rest of us with the 2nd Amendment if they do not get their way. But the 1st (free expression, assembly) + the 14th (equal protection, due process) > the 2nd. 1/4

01/06/21 was preceded by weeks of planning. The day before right wing media talked up what was to be. On 01/06 the cowardly soon-to-be-ex-president goaded people to walk to the Capitol, where the formality of counting the votes of the…


Added by Mark Small on January 6, 2022 at 4:27pm — No Comments

small theory of personality: 38% of all people are a**holes

Thirty-eight percent (38%) of all people are a**holes. This has not been subjected to peer review, but I believe is accurate. The 38% spans all demographics: Black, white, red, yellow; sex, gender, orientation; age or nationality. We have two sides in a significant political divide. 1/4

Between the 2 lies the Undecided. Under a constitution based on democratic principles, how does one sway the Undecided? Maybe “reason” and “facts” are important, but “reason” is tough when ppl like…


Added by Mark Small on January 5, 2022 at 8:46pm — No Comments

Guns at the polls only are to intimidate

We face primary & general elections in 2022 w/the prospect of people showing up armed. Most will claim they want to protect the right to vote. A “remedy” is “the legal means of enforcing a right or redressing a wrong.” R.H. Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary, 2d ed., 2001. 1/4

Guns at the polls will not correct any errors in the voting machines. (“Freeze gigabyte!”) Guns do not play a direct part in counting votes. (“Where’s the port for this AR-15?”) The only purpose of guns at the…


Added by Mark Small on January 5, 2022 at 8:47am — No Comments

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