Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

I hope WIBC's Rob Kendall's comment about "Black Death" wasn't what it sounded like

Local radio station WIBC has history, some good. The past few years it’s been a place for far-right shows otherwise homeless. This morning on “Kendall & Casey,” Rob Kendall expressed disgust for people who “politicize” mass shootings. He meant pro-gun control ppl. 1/5

He’s not been outraged by the NRA or gun manufacturers who pay members of Congress to stop gun control. Buying Congress politicizes the issue, but in a different way. Protests after shootings are the only recourse for people who favor gun control. At about 10:13 he made a comment. 2/5

His co-host Casey Daniels started to talk about the Black Death that hit Europe and Asia in the 1300s. Rob Kendall interjected a comment to the effect that Black Death was a reference to their future radio careers. WIBC was just purchased by Urban One, described on its website as: 3/5

The “largest distributor of urban content in the country. For more than 35 years, Urban One has been the leading voice speaking to Black America.” I hope I got Rob Kendall’s comment wrong. Like I said, it was at about 10:13 a.m. Off-hand racist comments are filth. 4/5

Kendall also boasted that he’ll be at the State GOP convention this weekend. He might cover it for local radio. I’m Mark Small. I’m pro-choice, pro environment, pro-civil rts & anti-gun. I’m GOP candidate for Indiana House District 86. I approve of this blog. Hell, I wrote it. 5/5

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