Civil Discourse Now

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Gun culture is based on toxic fiction & we need to deny it

Gun culture is based on toxic fiction. Law men rarely faced down bad guys and the one with the quicker draw won “almost never happened.” John Mack Faragher, Howard R. Lamar Prof of History & American Studies, Yale, 7/21/15. Law men had courts, warrants and deputies. 1/5

Also towns like Tombstone and Dodge City banned guns & even “open carry” because guns kill people. Writers of “dime novels,” popular in the late 1800s, ignored reality & sold stories where guns ultimately solved problems. Killing someone is easier than addressing society’s ills. 2/5

Movies had guns on the big screen. The 20th Century had fancier guns, but usually the final scene was a shoot-out & guns saved the day. (btw: early in our history guns kept slaves down & killed a lot of indigenous peoples. Today some say to ignore these unpleasant aspects of history.) 3/5

Guns don’t solve problems. NRA & its pals have pay $$$ to members of Congress to make sure CDC can’t sponsor peer reviewed studies of gun violence as a health risk. The big question: do guns cause more problems (result in more deaths) than they solve (prevent)? 4/5

Tobacco companies lied about mainstream smoke (MSM). In daily conversation we should sayr guns harm more than they help. I’m Mark Small: pro-choice, pro environment, pro-civil rts & anti-gun GOP nominee for IN House Distr 86. I approve of this blog. Hell, I wrote it. 5/5

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