Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

Mark Small's Blog (1,868)

Der Wehrmacht view of Normandy, 11/3/20

June 6, 1944, dawn: German troops on the “Atlantic wall” awoke and, as mists cleared, saw the largest armada in history, the Allies’ long-anticipated attack, aimed at them. German - and Allied - troops had reason to fear the next hours and (for survivors) the next months.

Germans also had reason to fear the post-War. How would survivors, if not prosecuted as war criminals, explain - to their children, grandchildren, neighbors if they sought escape to another country - how had they…


Added by Mark Small on October 24, 2020 at 7:02pm — No Comments

I'm an elected GOP official - nobody replies?

This election is the most important that I can remember in my life. When I worked at the county fair in 1974, when I was home for the summer from DePauw, The two major political parties were equally concerned with getting people to vote.

Years later, at the polls in the mid-2000s, folks from both parties sought to ensure the most basic right in our country, the right to vote, was protected.

I am the elected precinct committee person in Washington Township, 21-01. I have called…


Added by Mark Small on October 18, 2020 at 6:57pm — No Comments

Who said Spartz works w/Russian oligarchs?

Indiana’s 5th Congressional District (INCD5) race is heating up, and I read some things from a couple of months back. Apparently Victoria Spartz, who bought the GOP nomination, took umbrage with “opponents [who] have accused me of working with Russian oligarchs.”

She said the “attacks are 100% FALSE. In fact, they are so baseless and so malicious I am considering taking legal action against the individuals promoting them.”

1) The First Amendment protects political speech under…


Added by Mark Small on October 17, 2020 at 7:12pm — No Comments

Crucial differences betw trump & der Fuehrer

People are too quick to compare (unfairly) the current occupant of the Oval Office (a/k/a trump) to Adolf Hitler. There are significant differences. To correct erroneous beliefs held by some, here is a repeat of points made several months ago.

1) Hitler wrote a book that became a bestseller - trump had to employ a ghost writer; 2) Hitler was “in the black” - i.e., financially successful (from book sales) - when he took office - trump (as we now know) was hundreds of millions of $$$ in…


Added by Mark Small on October 16, 2020 at 3:48pm — No Comments

I guess SCOTUS nominees don't fret about DCS

If you are poor or on the lower side of middle-class, you probably know what “DCS” stands for: Department of Child Services. As Kin Hubbard once observed, it’s not against the law to be poor, but it might as well be.

Judge Coney Barrett attended trump’s Sept 26 announcement of her nomination for SCOTUS at an outdoor ceremony attended by > 150 people, “many of whom did not wear masks or practice social distancing,” - NBC.

Afterward, dozens gathered inside the White House's…


Added by Mark Small on October 12, 2020 at 3:50pm — No Comments

Columbus should NOT be venerated w/a holiday

In an appeal to the racist part of his base - i.e., his base - trump last month spoke to a nearly all white crowd in Minnesota about how they have “good genes.” A consistent trump theme over the years? “I have great genes and all that stuff, which I'm a believer in" Mississippi, 2016.

Today is a Federal holiday: Columbus Day. On October 12, 1492, Columbus landed on a beach in the Bahamas, greeted by Arawak indigenous people. He wrote in his log: “With fifty men we could subjugate them…


Added by Mark Small on October 12, 2020 at 7:04am — 1 Comment

Why trump can't debate: falsification and ...

Debate has been my life, since before the first high school tournament. It led to enlightenment. Our teams did pretty well. I learned how to work with others, because usually there are two people - not a ventriloquist and a dummy - on a debate team.

College debate was a blast. DePauw’s coach, Dr Weiss, was a great person and a mentor. He stressed values, but did not protest the trophies that fill shelves or plaques that hang on the walls of the trophy room in Greencastle.



Added by Mark Small on October 11, 2020 at 5:19am — No Comments

Challenge to trump - YOU DOLT - to debate

I apologize. I have been remiss in my obligations to everyone, but most of all to People for whom I care and our Country. A raving lunatic occupies the Oval Office via machinations by the dictatorial head (Putin) of a hostile foreign power (Russia anyone?)

trump has emailed funders to me & I have replied as acerbically as possible. I pondered seeking a protective order against the orange (some would say tangerine) fool. I’ve emailed the stupid bastard back - and yet no…


Added by Mark Small on October 9, 2020 at 7:41pm — No Comments

If GOP believes in marketplace of ideas, it should encourage people to vote

This iteration of the Republican Party has sought to shut out, from participation in elections, people who are likely to vote against candidates of that party. The GOP has cited non-existent problems with “voter fraud” to take these actions.

Any political party in a free country should encourage every eligible voter to exercise the right to vote. The way in which to win a competition is not by taking cheap shots at the other side to cripple the competitor, through fear of its ability…


Added by Mark Small on October 7, 2020 at 7:23pm — No Comments

I don't think the GOP likes me in their punch bowl

I have yet to receive a reply to an e-mail I sent, on Wednesday, September 30, to the Marion County Republican Party (“Mar Co GOP”). For that matter I have received no communications from Mar Co GOP except a couple of texts in reply to a phone VM I left.

My victorious campaign for precinct committee person on June 2 was hard-fought and, when the dust settled, I was the winner. Well, I was the only candidate for the position, but we need to wrest control of the GOP from…


Added by Mark Small on October 5, 2020 at 12:52pm — No Comments

Freedom from and of religion: are of = importance.

Years ago many people refused to believe that little tiny organisms cause a lot of disease and death. Germs, bacteria, microbes, viruses - something that cannot be seen cannot exist. Science advanced - yes, evolved - as people learned.

Today we face a global pandemic - that most of the rest of the globe has addressed much more effectively than has the United States. Many people have died who would otherwise be alive because of the ineptitude of the current occupant of the Oval…


Added by Mark Small on October 3, 2020 at 7:44pm — 1 Comment

"Bully" & chaos but: un-American? & trump has no right to be arrogant.

Members of a focus group of “undecided voters” organized by Frank Luntz, described by Politico as a “veteran Republican pollster,” were asked to describe, in one word, last evening’s Presidential “debate.”

Their descriptives of Democratic Party nominee and former Vice President Joe Biden were damning: “compassion” and “coherent.” A few people bent the rules and went beyond one word: “better than expected” and “nice guy lacking vision.”

As for the Oval Office’s current occupant,…


Added by Mark Small on September 30, 2020 at 7:17pm — No Comments

At tonight's debate: will trump pee into a cup?

Tonight former Vice President Joe Biden and the current occupant of the Oval Office (trump) will have the first of their Presidential debates. I’ve never cared for the format of these events because they really are not debates.

I was a debater in high school and in college. Dr. Weiss was our coach at DePauw. He instilled in us respect for reasoned discourse - what he called “rhetoric.” Later, after law school, I coached the IUPUI debate team for several years.

In college debate…


Added by Mark Small on September 29, 2020 at 8:45am — No Comments

If Spartz refuses to denounce Putin, guess the name of her control agent.

On September 22 at 7 p.m. the candidates for Indiana’s 5th Congressional District (INCD5) from the Democratic Party, Christina Hale, and the Republican Party, Victoria Spartz, will participate in a virtual town hall meeting.

Spartz uses buzz words & phrases to stoke her campaign: “socialism” (bad); “trump” (good in her view, unless one of the 200,000 dead (unnecessarily) from Covid is a loved one); “gun rights” (good - unless you or a loved one have been harmed by gun…


Added by Mark Small on September 15, 2020 at 9:28pm — No Comments

Tale of 2 Towers

Two towers - one red and one blue - rise to the sky and rule the land. Built by the same hands and of the same immutable substance, the towers are impregnable. No more than two towers may stand. No other structure is allowed to utilize those same hands or that same substance.

The rulers occupy the top floors of both towers and assure all the people that, if a group of them joins together, they can build their own tower, from the ground up, and thus have one of the two towers. This, of…


Added by Mark Small on September 9, 2020 at 5:31am — No Comments

Anarchy: the GOP brand

“Anarchy!” trump, and other of Putin’s minions, claim Dems - or those who oppose racism or oppression or oligarchy, etc. - are anarchists, but of the two “major” political parties, the Republican is closer, in both past and present, to fostering “anarchism.”

First, we should define “anarchy”: “(1) Absence of government; lawlessness. (2) The political belief that there should be no government and that instead ordinary people should work together to improve society...” Black’s Law Dic.,…


Added by Mark Small on September 7, 2020 at 2:36pm — No Comments

If trump refuses to leave office...

People have wondered what will happen if, after November 3 & a record loss at the polls, trump refuses to leave office. Usually trump is depicted as seated in the Oval Office refusing to depart. In scenarios I’ve read, all the players are domestic.

Most commentators are confident members of the U.S. military - the most powerful in history - even though under the command of the head of the executive branch - i.e., the President - would obey the oaths taken when they joined the…


Added by Mark Small on August 28, 2020 at 8:17am — No Comments

1st Hoosier elected Republican to demand trump resign

Friends of mine and folks who know me through social media, please read through to the end of this blog - or thread on social media - before you shut it off. In 2010 the far right grabbed one half of our political structure by “primarying” Republicans deemed not sufficiently far right.

They - or their leaders - knew that by taking over one of the two “major” political parties, they effectively grabbed the mechanisms written into statutes. “Third party” and independent candidates have…


Added by Mark Small on August 18, 2020 at 8:42pm — No Comments

Reply to the evil swine who write trump fundraising emails

I received another “funder” e-mail from trump’s campaign. Since it is stated in the 3rd person, trump did not write it (or anything else in his life; the books over his by-line, like the answers on his SAT, were ghost-written.

To whomever the trump campaign assigned to draft this E-mail:

I only want to address a couple of items. You say, of VP Biden and Sen Harris “Both of them are corrupt career politicians who LOVE anarchy and HATE America. ...” The current occupant of the…


Added by Mark Small on August 18, 2020 at 12:17pm — No Comments

Reply to Mikey Pence's solicitation e-mail

It’s one thing to receive solicitations from the current occupant of the Oval Office, but today I received a similar e-missive from Numero 2 - the former Governor of the Hoosier State. Mike Pence lacks an understanding of “vice” to be VP.

In #2's view, the Democratic Party’s (apparent) nominee had the gall to name, as his running mate, a person who is not an old, white male. Of course the man who exited Indiana before the voters could turn him out can’t say THAT.…


Added by Mark Small on August 13, 2020 at 8:31pm — 1 Comment

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