Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

To his credit, John Schmitz (1) said the GOP needs to look more like people in the rest of Marion County (i.e., not all white) and (2) argued it is unfair that the State GOP has given its support to one candidate (not John or Alex Henby).

Alex scored a metaphorical knock-down in the 4th round by saying the slating system should be scrapped. Joe Elsener played it safe, although he talked about “grass roots” so much one would think he’s in lawn care.

Disconcerting was Mr Elsener’s call for “free and fair elections,” when GOP election officials nationwide say that’s what we have, and his praise for Greg Ballard, whose departure from the office of Mayor in 2015?

Was met with the same sense of relief as the passing of a 99-year-old relative with terminal cancer. The people standing around the bed, having suffered more than the sedated patient, gave each other a high five when the last breath was exhaled.

Alex is an advocate for LGBT rights. I guess that means equality for 80%. Did that dis Q-Anon? The moderator gave each candidate an extra minute to address the divide in “trump vs not so much trump.” Mr Elsener’s nose grew as he spoke of trump “delivering on all he promised.”

Mr Elsener claimed trump left office with a party that is very diverse. That might be true, but only if one describes the “party” as a majority of the USA disgusted with trump. Alex said our differences make us stronger...

An African-American was the moderator. Maybe it was only my imagination that in 24 other screens, people of color were less numerous than GOP members of the City-County Council. Mr Schmitz was right about how the GOP should reflect the County.

That reflection needs to be more than checking boxes of race, skin color, ethnicity, sex, and gender, to name a few. The GOP has to adopt positions on issues that reflect the beliefs of the voters of Marion County. Those positions are progressive.

At least Alex’s cat showed up, as did my cat. Nobody else had pets on camera. But then trump didn’t have any pets, unless one counts Lindsey Graham, whom trump treated a like a dog. Mr Schmitz is right, in part. The GOP needs to unite.

But the GOP needs to unite to rid itself of racism. The candidates need to address issues. Also, the GOP needs to address a divide, but between racists and everyone else. Screw trump - which is more than Melania did from 1/20/17 to 1/20/21. Score this a “win” for John, but razor-thin.

Saturday should be interesting, unless Mr Elsener gets something to shrink his nose. Convention Center doors aren’t that wide.

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