Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

May 2020 Blog Posts (20)

Rob Kendall: You almost make me support the Gov!

I listened to a total of 15 minutes of Rob Kendall’s radio show, on Fox affiliate WIBC, this afternoon. To hear him, the City of Indianapolis is under siege by radical left wing radicals and a wimp Governor and wimp Mayor are AWOL.

Rob seems not to understand that acts of terrorism in this country are perpetrated largely by the right wing. There are left wing “eco-terrorists” - but they target things, not people. If you want old-fashioned terror against people, those on the right do…


Added by Mark Small on May 31, 2020 at 3:13pm — No Comments

If I win June 2 primary I'll donate GOP $ to food banks in INCD5

As people die across the country due to the incompetence of the current occupant of the Oval Office, I believe we need to focus on what candidates in Tuesday's primary for Indiana's 5th Congressional District can do to help - with healing, not with stoking fires of hatred.

Mark Small for Congress

Indiana’s 5th Congressional District

GOP primary June 2, 2020

For release: May 31, 2020 Contact information:


Only anti-trump candidate in…


Added by Mark Small on May 31, 2020 at 7:01am — No Comments

Is the 2nd Amendment only for white people?

I’m different from the other white people who seek the GOP nomination for Indiana’s 5th Congressional District in the June 2 primary. I believe we have to return to the original values of the Republican Party.

The Republican Party held values that emphasized racial equality and justice. President Lincoln sought to keep the country together despite the wickedness that had been built into our nation’s structure in The Constitution.

Other Republican candidates brag about their…


Added by Mark Small on May 30, 2020 at 9:57am — No Comments

How did Jerry stay awake during telethons?

Mark Small for Congress

Indiana’s 5th Congressional District

GOP primary June 2, 2020

For release: May 29, 2020 Contact information:


Only anti-trump candidate in GOP field to hold telethon on internet

“Agree with what I say? Tune in, ask 3 friends to watch and ask them to ask 3 more.”

Indianapolis, May 29, 2020 - Omitted from “invite” lists for most town halls and being left without a face (photo omitted) in lists of candidates,…


Added by Mark Small on May 29, 2020 at 3:38pm — No Comments

Nurse Beth: hate campaign $? Give it back.

MONEY MONEY MONEY: laments Carlo, a Russian artist in the 1936 classic “My Man Godfrey,” who (ironically) freeloads on Carole Lombard’s fictional family, the Bullocks.

Today I received an e-mail from Nurse Beth Henderson, one of my opponents in the June 2 primary for the GOP nomination for U.S. House in Indiana’s 5th Congressional District. She bemoans other candidates spending $$$$$.

Nurse Beth has some pretty slick ads. She also has some pretty slick, monied interest groups…


Added by Mark Small on May 28, 2020 at 2:01pm — No Comments

Science: the key to address COVID as well as gun violence

After mass shootings, NRA says we aren’t supposed to talk gun control. The pandemic is not related to guns. The Dickey and Tiahr amendments prohibit the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) from being involved in studies of gun violence as a health problem.

NRA wants us to be ignorant, same as Big Tobacco hid cancer risks from main stream cigs pre-1964. For those who believe we should promote the “Progress of Science” U.S. Const. Art. I, sec. 8, here are a few questions (perhaps…


Added by Mark Small on May 26, 2020 at 6:52pm — No Comments

"Gun Guy" Relford: drowning out people doesn't make you right

We learn from our mistakes: I never should have been so silly. A show on WIBC is “Gun Guy,” hosted by attorney Carmel Guy Relford. Wow, talk about red flags - gun(s), Carmel and WIBC. He stated things on his Saturday show and I called in to comment.

On Civil Discourse Now, we had people from various, sometimes bizarre (e.g., Paul Ogden) points of view. (Paul was co-host, but still...) Never did we cut anyone off, despite the sheer joy we might have felt.

Mr Relford is not…


Added by Mark Small on May 23, 2020 at 6:43pm — No Comments

Guns & violence: we need to be able to learn the facts

My opponents in the June 2 primary for Indiana’s 5th Congressional District (INCD5) GOP spot are fixated on the 2nd Amendment. A lot of money is awash in this primary. Some of it might go back to the NRA. (Ninety percent (90%) of large bills would have traces of cocaine.)

Three questions about guns: (1) Can a person have too many guns? (2) Are there people who should not be allowed to have guns? (3) Are there types of guns that people should not be allowed to own?

(1) If…


Added by Mark Small on May 22, 2020 at 5:48am — No Comments

"Original intent": would I be the only INCD5 GOP to survive that cut?

My opponents in the June 2 GOP primary for Indiana’s 5th Congressional District (INCD5) seem to like simple things, and that includes how our courts should construe The Constitution. They want to adhere to “original intent.”

Original intent” is a legal philosophy under which judges and justices would look only to the “plain wording” of The Constitution and the “original intent” of the delegates to the 1787 Convention to determine what The Constitution means.

Previously I’ve…


Added by Mark Small on May 21, 2020 at 5:33am — 1 Comment

Streaming "live" each evening at 7! Citizens United be damned!

The past couple of evenings I have streamed videos in which I address issues in the 2020 race for Indiana’s Fifth Congressional District (INCD5). I invite folks to watch The Show. Here is one aspect of why people should vote for me in the June 2 primary. 

Money in politics is bad. The Citizens United case appears, each day, to be to Chief Justice Roberts what Dred Scott was to Chief Justice Roger Taney. In the GOP primary for INCD5 the GOP field has several candidates with big…


Added by Mark Small on May 18, 2020 at 6:37am — No Comments

Clean environment: smart & saves $!

Disbanding the structure in the Federal government meant to address pandemics was the same as getting rid of the fire department in a town, except the former has (so far) resulted in the need deaths of tens of thousands.

Here are things that have to be done by the next U.S. Rep for INCD5: reverse the damage done. When an agency is headed by a person who long has advocated for its elimination, the results cannot be good.

My opponents Abernathy, Bales, Beckwith, Brizzi, Dietzen,…


Added by Mark Small on May 17, 2020 at 12:43pm — 2 Comments

D.C. Stephenson would love (most of) my opponents

As a transitive verb, “disgust” is defined: “1. to cause loathing or nausea in. 2. to offend the good taste, moral sense, etc., of; cause extreme dislike or revulsion in” Random House Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary, 2d ed., 2001, p. 565.

The racism of GOP candidates Abernathy, Bales, Beckwith, Brizzi, Dietzen, Henderson, Hullinger, Niederberger, Mitchell, Spartz and Wakley is of two types. One is explicit - the ghost of D.C. Stephenson probably loves those ads by Spartz and…


Added by Mark Small on May 16, 2020 at 1:18pm — No Comments

Brizzi, racism & my exclusion from 5/12 town hall

On the evening of May 12 a virtual town hall was hosted by the Republican Party clubs of Washington and Lawrence townships for Republican candidates for U.S. House of Representatives in District 5 (INCD5).

I was unaware there was a soiree. I telephoned the moderator yesterday morning. Another person called me as the first of two sets of candidates took to the air, said he would call the show’s sponsors, and help get me onto the program.

I have checked my e-mails and found no such…


Added by Mark Small on May 13, 2020 at 6:23am — No Comments

Racism rampant: last night's INCD5 GOP town halls

I was disgusted with most of the other GOP candidates for INCD5 in last evening’s virtual town hall (indianatownhalls dot org). D.C. Stephenson - who moved to Indiana 100 years ago and put Indiana on the map with the KKK - would be proud.

Because of the size of the GOP field, the 14 candidates were split into two groups. The more blatant racism was expressed in group 1. Brizzi blames COVID-19 on Chinese communists. Then again Beckwith sees Commies in Michigan.

Asian-Americans - who…


Added by Mark Small on May 12, 2020 at 5:45am — No Comments

America only - ever - glimpsed "great"

America never has been great - we only started to catch a glimpse of greatness, and then the far right wrested away the steering wheel and we careened back to a path they wanted. Tonight the GOP candidates for INCD5 participate in a virtual town hall.

There are so many GOP candidates in the June 2 primary that the 14 candidates have been split, by alphabetical order of last names, into two groups of seven. The other 13 try to out-pucker in what they apparently see as a contest of who…


Added by Mark Small on May 11, 2020 at 6:03am — No Comments

Brizzi & the other GOP INCD5 candidates in June 2 primary: Confederacy of dunces

My opponents in the June 2 GOP primary for Indiana’s 5th Congressional District (INCD5) include Carl Brizzi, who has stated: “And I really don't know what to make of Tony Fauci and Bill Gates with his mandatory vaccine nonsense...then again, maybe I do.”

Hostile take-over of one of the two “major” political parties by a minority embraces ignorance, bigotry and blind obedience to their concept of government. This is the greatest danger we face today: control of our government by those…


Added by Mark Small on May 10, 2020 at 6:12am — No Comments

Personal experience strengthened me: misdiagnosed with MS

Last week in a “town hall” of candidates in the June 2 GOP primary for INCD5, the first question caught me off guard: something like what experience in my life enables me to be a good U.S. Rep (& maybe my memory of exact wording of the question is off).

My answer: when I hitch hiked to Maine in undergrad I learned a lot - and I did, but something else taught me a lot about myself. In January, 1994, I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. By the second day nine in the hospital, I…


Added by Mark Small on May 7, 2020 at 7:16pm — No Comments

USA health care #37 in World - none of my GOP opponents responds

On Monday, May 11, Indy’s public TV station, WFYI will stream live two virtual town halls of the 14 (total) GOP candidates - seven in each due to the size of the field - for Indiana’s 5th Congressional District in June 2's primary.

GOP candidates will be webcast (go to WFYI’s website) in two sessions on Monday, May 11. Town Hall #2 will begin at 8:00 PM. Participants:Matt Hook, Matt Hullinger, Kelly Mitchell, Danny Niederberger, Mark Small, Victoria Spartz, and Russell Stwalley. …


Added by Mark Small on May 7, 2020 at 6:27am — No Comments

Guns: my rebuttal to Mr Ogden's reply

My (frequently misguided) friend Paul Ogden replied to my May 2 blog about guns. None of my 14 opponents in the June 2 GOP primary for Indiana’s 5th Congressional District (INCD5) has replied, so I shall address points Paul raises.

1) Ogden: “You're counting suicides in with people who are victims of gun crimes. That's a bit misleading. Pretty sure someone intent on killing themselves could find other ways of doing the deed.”

Moi: a) The blog was about health implications of gun…


Added by Mark Small on May 3, 2020 at 11:43am — No Comments

Gun nuts have 14 GOP candidates in INCD5 - & then there's me.

“Self-evident truths” usually are not so “true”. Positions of the far-right idiots (such as my 14 opponents in the June 2 GOP primary for U.S. House in Indiana’s 5th Congressional District, or “INCD5") are fueled by such inanities.

A lot of times the concepts are implicit. Other times they are said out loud. An example of the former: the more guns we have, the safer we are. That notion popped into my mind yesterday when white people with assault weapons demonstrated against “stay at…


Added by Mark Small on May 2, 2020 at 6:26am — 1 Comment

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