Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

Rob Kendall: You almost make me support the Gov!

I listened to a total of 15 minutes of Rob Kendall’s radio show, on Fox affiliate WIBC, this afternoon. To hear him, the City of Indianapolis is under siege by radical left wing radicals and a wimp Governor and wimp Mayor are AWOL.

Rob seems not to understand that acts of terrorism in this country are perpetrated largely by the right wing. There are left wing “eco-terrorists” - but they target things, not people. If you want old-fashioned terror against people, those on the right do it.

Lately one prominent proponent of racist violence has spewed forth his hate-filled messages at a frequent pace. Of course, the person of whom I write tweets and comments fanned flames - from the Oval Office. That doesn’t make it “okay.”

Rob takes umbrage with the Mayor’s office saying demonstrators be allowed to “go ahead” and march. Rob said - no kidding - “The Mayor’s on their side.” It’s too bad I lack a font that drips the malice Rob’s voice carried.

Yeah, Rob - he’s the Mayor and is supposed to default to free expression. And the Governor is doing the right things to protect us from that hoax COVID-19! (It’s not a hoax, Rob.)

For the first time in my life I live in a city that will be under curfew. From 8 p.m. until Monday at 6 a.m. everyone, with very few exceptions, is to be off the streets.

In the 1960s and 1970s, agents provocateurs - working with or as police - committed most of the acts of violence, in anti-war and civil rights demonstrations, but protesters immediately were blamed. The 1968 Chicago Democratic Convention riots were called “police riots.”

Problems of race run deep in this country - maybe because in history, from English landings on this continent to now, slavery has been legal for more years than it has been illegal. We have yet to adequately address the deep impacts that vile institution has had.

There are a lot of things we need to do as a country. Amongst them is not a militaristic list of hits against The People. In fact, Eisenhower - a GOP President - warned us of the military industrial complex.

If you live in Indiana’s 5th Congressional District and are disgusted with the GOP or both major political parties, on June 2, or in early voting, ask for a GOP ballot and vote for me. Unlike Rob, I favor free speech - for everyone.

I’m Mark Small, GOP candidate for INCD5. I’m pro-environment, pro-choice, anti-war and anti-dt. I believe in the traditional values of the GOP, not the bastardized values of dt and his minions, and I guess that includes Rob. I approve of this blog. Hell, I wrote it.

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