Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

All Blog Posts (1,732)

Changes, survival and CDN after January 1.

   The quarries north of Bloomington during the summer in the 1970s were sort of like a Hoosier variation of Woodstock. My recollection of how we got there, and the route we took and the destination—did we crawl over a fence near 17th Street?—is vague. Ultimately we walked down a dirt lane, along which a guy sold Coors beer—the real stuff that one could not purchase in Indiana legally and it was maintained cold all the way from Colorado, or at least that was what anyone who asked was…


Added by Mark Small on December 21, 2014 at 9:03pm — No Comments

Political Party of Green now the ONLY party in this Nation's political system.

   There only is one real party in the United States, and it is a Party of Green.

   I did not write the Green Party—the left-wing, environmental-focused party—is the only real party in the United States. That would be a silly statement to write.

   The “green” of which I write is the color that has figured so dominantly in United States currency. Money controls the United States. Voters, except in the immediate run-up to elections, can be damned. In the time immediately before an…


Added by Mark Small on December 16, 2014 at 7:21am — No Comments

Happy Straight Day!

   No: this is a day to celebrate because the date lines up in a numerical “straight.” December 13, 2014 is 12/13/14.

   Sometimes life stretches out, a gray expanse of days. One after the other, each day is comprised of routine mixed with nuances of detail overlaid with the same levels of stress. Joy must be taken in the odd moment available.

   In 2006 I wanted to throw a party on June 6, maybe something outside on the deck, but the kid with the Rottweiler guard dogs showed up on…


Added by Mark Small on December 13, 2014 at 7:32am — No Comments

Federal budget "deal" screws common people and lets Big Banks gamble with risk borne by us.

   When the Big Banks received the largesse of billions of dollars from taxpayers after the melt-down of banks in 2007-08, much of the blame was placed on derivatives markets in which the Big Banks speculated.

   A derivative is a contract that derives its value from the performance of an underlying entity, often called the “underlying.” The underlying can be an asset, an index, or an interest rate.  (Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, United States Department of Treasury,…


Added by Mark Small on December 12, 2014 at 7:00am — No Comments

Special prosecutor should be appointed whenever a police officer is alleged to have violated criminal law.

The grand jury failed to indict Ferguson, Missouri, police Officer Darren Wilson for the shooting of Michael Brown. There appear to have been irregularities in the procedure by which evidence was presented to the grand jury. For example, while some eyewitnesses who claimed Brown had raised his hands—a near-universal show of surrender—were cross-examined by the prosecutor, Wilson was allowed to give a narrative that, one may reasonably infer, was intended to be exculpatory.



Added by Mark Small on December 3, 2014 at 7:27am — No Comments

Electronic billboards: Pat Andrews meets with industry officials.

   Pat Andrews at "Had Enough Indy?" blogged about the ordinance that has been proposed regarding electronic billboards in Marion County. As a result of her blogs, she was invited to meet with some of the folks in the billboard industry. She invited me along.

   On Tuesday, a little before 1 pm, I took a elevator to the27th Floor of what used to be the Bank One Building, but has been renamed Chase---after the bank that has done so much to so many people. We were o meet in the offices…


Added by Mark Small on November 29, 2014 at 7:55am — No Comments

Drones are bad---especially for other aircraft, like commercial airliners, aloft.

   In the aftermath of last week’s blizzard in the Buffalo, New York, area, various television networks ran footage taken from drones—unmanned aerial vehicles—to show viewers how bad the snow had been. I was surprised the different angles we were given from, what the anchors said, were different drones.

   A few weeks ago, a couple of YouTube videos went viral. In each the viewer was treated to an incident from the drone’s eye view. In one, a hawk attacked the drone. In another, the…


Added by Mark Small on November 24, 2014 at 7:22am — No Comments

Death by privatization---on today's Show we discuss inmates and deprivation of medical care.

   America no longer is the “land of the free.” With five percent of the World’s population we have nearly twenty-five percent of the World’s correctional institution (prison) inmate population. We have more people in prison than such progressive nations as North Korea and China.

   Since Richard Nixon launched the War on Drugs, we have seen billions of dollars invested in a large-scale effort to scuttle parts of the Constitution and a failure in cessation of people from seeking the…


Added by Mark Small on November 22, 2014 at 7:00am — No Comments

Electronic/digital billboard ordinance poses a financial threat---bloggers Pat Andrews and Gary Welsh alert the public.

   Pat Andrews at “Had Enough Indy?” and Gary Welsh at “Advance Indiana”®  have done their usual excellent jobs of research on another topic of local concern. They have blogged about an ordinance being considered by the City-County Council that would ease restrictions on construction of digital billboards in Marion County. Others, particularly on Advance Indiana®, have posted comments about the proposal and the process by which it has snaked its way behind the scenes.

Worst aspect of the…


Added by Mark Small on November 21, 2014 at 7:24am — No Comments

Climate change, drinking Old Style(r) in Berwyn with a Chihuahua, and plumbing on submarines.

   “What’s your dog’s name?”

   The Chihuahua lapped up beer from a bowl on the bar. Beer is not good for dogs, but the dog’s owner looked as testy as his pet. I was disinclined to criticize. Also, the bar was a few doors down from a place into which I recently had moved. I was a stranger to the regulars there. I always would be, as it turned out, but that is beside the point.

   “His name’s Tojo,” the man, who looked to be in his late 60s, replied.

   “Are you a veteran of…


Added by Mark Small on November 13, 2014 at 6:30am — No Comments

Elect Snooky Vice-President and end these students' ignorance.

   The “person on the street” was setting was cliche. A student at Texas Tech was on-camera someplace on campus where the student pedestrian traffic was brisk. The day was sunny. She began to stop and ask students, one at a time, questions.

   The first question was: “Who won the Civil War?” One of the students asked, “Is this a trick question?” Only one of about a dozen students answered correctly and said, “The Union ...The North.” Two students said, “The Confederacy.” The rest failed…


Added by Mark Small on November 12, 2014 at 7:11am — No Comments

The movie "Birdman"---what happens when actors have their way.

   “Birdman” stars Michael Keaton as an actor who, years before, played a superhero—Birdman—and stages a Broadway play to show he has talent.

   I had not read any reviews of the movie before seeing it. I only have read a couple of blips since. One there appears to be Keaton is a washed-up actor, Reggin Thompson, who seeks to rejuvenate his career by adapting for the stage, starring in, and directing the play. Perhaps that was how the movie was pitched, but the plot I caught was…


Added by Mark Small on November 10, 2014 at 7:19am — No Comments

Today's Show: guest panelists include Charlie White as we discuss past Tuesday's election.

   There was an 8-track comedy tape in the 1970s (of course the 1970s; that was the abbreviated time of 8-track tapes) called “A Truck Stop Is the Best Place to Eat.” Most of the material on the tape was offensive, but one item was expressive of a truth. One joke on the redneck (questionable) humor-filled tape involved “Big Moe” who was a visitor in a town and was on a quest for sexual gratification. He said to and asked a bartender: “I’m Big Moe. Where can Big Moe get f****d?” (There were…


Added by Mark Small on November 8, 2014 at 7:00am — 2 Comments

Ballard will not seek re-election---watch what public assets he gives away his last year in office.

   The people of Marion County who reside within that political entity called Indianapolis formally are on notice as to what many suspected would occur for the past several months: Greg Ballard will not seek re-election as Mayor.

   Ballard courageously announced his support for the Republican candidate for Marion County Sheriff a day or two before the election.  Now, one foot almost on the jetway for a flight to Berlin for whatever purpose on the dime of the Indianapolis taxpayers,…


Added by Mark Small on November 6, 2014 at 7:00am — No Comments

Find out where to vote at the Marion County Election Board website!

   If you have questions about where to vote in Marion County, Google Marion County Election Board—no, I still do not know how to “link” a page—and you can type in your address for the location of your polling site. You also can call 317.327.VOTE, but experience as a poll worker in elections past tells me the line is pretty busy on Election Day.

   Whatever your predilections, you should vote. Even if you enter the poll and turn in a blank ballot, (1) your vote will count as a vote for…


Added by Mark Small on November 4, 2014 at 7:09am — No Comments

"Non-citizen Votes in U.S. Elections": article makes claim that is bunk and dereft of statistical significance or, perhaps, validity.

   Several internet headlines, on the same topic, caught my eye yesterday. One, from townhall dot com, read “Oh My: Study Reveals Significant Number of Non-Citizens Vote in US Elections,” by Guy Benson, a conservative writer with a bachelor’s degree from Northwestern..  

   The “study” to which the articles refer was published in 36 Electoral Studies 149-57 (2014) and was written by  professors (Jesse T. Richman, Gulshan A, Chattha and David C. Earnest) from Old Dominion University and…


Added by Mark Small on November 3, 2014 at 7:40am — No Comments

Today's Show at The Coffee Brake, 6215 Allisonville Road with Patrick Lockhart, Democratic candidate for State Rep, District 91.

   Patrick Lockhart will be our guest today as “Civil Discourse Now” streams live from The Coffee Brake, 6215 Allisonville Road. Patrick is the Democratic Party candidate for Indiana State Representative from District 91. His opponent is Republican Robert Behning. District 91 covers parts of Marion, Hendricks, Morgan, and Johnson counties. Patrick is the youngest candidate for the Indiana House of Representatives in the general election this year.

   As always, Kimann Schultz will…


Added by Mark Small on November 1, 2014 at 6:00am — No Comments

Republican efforts to suppress voter turnout and 40,000, "lost" registrations in Georgia.

  In Georgia, a State that appears to be “purple”—to use the popular parlance of color to describe party affiliation as a spectrum between one extreme of red (pure Republican) and blue (pure Democratic), and the shades of magenta, violet, and purple between—a voter registration drive was held this year. Ninety thousand (90,000) voters were registered. Shortly after the deadline for registration passed, the office of the Secretary of State somehow “lost” 40,000 of those registrations. New…


Added by Mark Small on October 31, 2014 at 6:23am — No Comments

The late Mayor Richard J. Daley points out he started political life as a Republican.

   In the middle of the night, as I flushed my contribution to the White River and prepared to return to bed, I was startled by two sharp raps on the bathroom door. From behind the door, a gruff voice said, “Boss wants to see ya.”  In my jockey shorts, I opened the door and was face-to-chest with the specter of a large, rough man. “I said da Boss wants ta see ya,” he repeated.

   “I heard you the first time.” A glow came from around the edges of the door to the Study. In that room,…


Added by Mark Small on October 25, 2014 at 6:22am — No Comments

A possible candidate for the Republican Party in the Indianapolis Mayor's race.

   The absence of a declared Republican Party candidate for Indianapolis Mayor got me to ponder last night about tossing my Cubs or DePauw University baseball cap into the ring for that slot on this spring’s ballot.

   First, I wish to set forth the main points of the platform on which I would run.  Second, I shall address questions of logistics. Finally, I shall set forth the political philosophy I embrace and my qualifications.


   1) The process by which any…


Added by Mark Small on October 22, 2014 at 6:00am — No Comments

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