Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

July 2020 Blog Posts (4)

Spartz is trump sycophant & should quit GOP

Money can’t buy everything? It can buy a GOP nomination for Congress, specifically Indiana’s 5th Congressional District (INCD5). Victoria Spartz probably brings a sparkle to the eye of the man who runs the USA.

Spartz never has won a general election - ever. The office of State senator was bestowed upon her by GOP caucus. Her website displays, overall and on specific issues, a depth of knowledge on a par with another GOP House Rep who comes to mind - Louie Gohmert.



Added by Mark Small on July 30, 2020 at 8:30am — No Comments

Ms. Spartz, guns & deaths by domestic violence

Victoria Spartz was the highest bidder for GOP votes in the June 2 GOP primary for Indiana’s 5th Congressional District (INCD5). Her position guns is amongst her worst: “We must preserve our 2nd Amendment freedoms against the tyranny of the government...”

A greater tyranny is that of domestic violence carried out each day by people who, if they lacked the more-easily lethal means of a gun at hand, would not kill. I have yet to see anyone brandish a firearm to deter the Federal or a…


Added by Mark Small on July 10, 2020 at 4:05pm — No Comments

Open letter to Neil Young

Dear Mr Neil Young: As Republican Party precinct committee person (“PC”) for Washington Township, 21-02, Marion County, Indiana (on the north side of Indianapolis), I must express my displeasure.

Your reaction to the trump campaign’s use of several of your songs is unfair and, because of your recent acquisition of U.S. citizenship, an expression that belies ignorance of the American way of life.

First, if not you, to whom would trump’s campaign turn to plagiarize? Given the…


Added by Mark Small on July 4, 2020 at 8:30pm — No Comments

Repugnant candidacy of Spartz: we should end this culture of War. (part 5)

Indiana’s 5th Congressional District (INCD5) is viewed as “flippable” by both major political parties. Victoria Spartz spent a ton of money to buy the June 2 GOP primary. Ms Spartz’s stand on one set of issues is particularly troubling.

From Ms. Spartz’s website, under “National Defense and Military”: “A strong national defense is one of the main functions of the federal government. We must keep our military strong and provide better services to our veterans.”

A good first step…


Added by Mark Small on July 1, 2020 at 8:38pm — No Comments

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