Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

March 2014 Blog Posts (10)

Today's Show: from Clarion West with candidates, the lawyer who argued the Voter ID case at the US Supreme Court, and MORE!

   Tune in from 11 am to 1 pm as we will have Congressional candidate Allen Davidson, Marion County judicial candidate David Hennessy, Lawyer Bill Groth who argued the Indiana Voter ID law to the United States Supreme Court, Kimann Schultz with "Fashion and Style," and---the inaugural episode of the satirical radio satire "Tale of the City"! Streamed from the Cabin Fever Weekend at Clarion Convention Center, just west of I-465 and just off Crawfordsville Road!

Added by Mark Small on March 29, 2014 at 6:21am — No Comments

Corruption in a Big City: Focus of a new segment of The Show.

   We have a newspaper that acts as a cheerleader for a Mayor who openly showers campaign backers with neat gifts. We use Tax Increment Finance ("TIF") districts---now banned by statute, as a local government funding mechanism in the State where they first were developed because they destroyed local economies---to create slush funds for a Mayor who seems to care only for the wealthy. There is no check on corruption---a plague that does not necessarily involve illegal conduct.



Added by Mark Small on March 28, 2014 at 6:00am — No Comments

March 29 Show: streamed live from Clarion Waterfront Hotel during "Cabin Fever Weekend" sponsored by Coldcock Whiskey.

  Clarion Waterfront Hotel is on the west side of Indianapolis on Crawfordsville Road, just west of I-465 at 2930 West Waterfront Parkway. We stream live from 11 am to 1 pm on Indiana Talks dot com. A focal topic for The Show  will be legislative efforts to restrict voting rights.

   Our guest panelists include: Bill Groth, who litigated the Indiana "Voter ID" law before the United States Supreme Court; and a representative from the Marion County Clerk's Office, the office responsible…


Added by Mark Small on March 26, 2014 at 5:48am — No Comments

Candidates in the May 6 primaries: an invitation to appear on "Civil Discourse Now."

   The primary elections of the two major political parties, as "major" political parties are defined by Indiana Code, will occur on Tuesday, May 6, 2014. Civil Discourse Now was started in the interest of fun and enlightenment. With primary elections---plural because more than one office is in play and more than one party is holding a primary---a few weeks away, it is important for voters to know the candidates from whom they can choose. If you are a candidate for an office in the May 6…


Added by Mark Small on March 20, 2014 at 5:56am — No Comments

Brackets not printed in The Indianapolis Star: one of that paper's last functions gone.

   Every year for a long time my ritual on NCAA(r) picks Sunday---or whatever the formal brand name for the day has become---has involved watching the NCAA(r) draw of teams for the tournament and filling in the brackets on the form printed in The Indianapolis Star. I used to purchase of a copy of the Sunday Star, but after I graduated from law school I subscribed for home delivery of the daily publication then owned by the Pulliam family.

   A savvy lawyer in trust laws figured out…


Added by Mark Small on March 17, 2014 at 5:40am — 1 Comment

March 22 Show: Wrap-up of the 2014 General Assembly with special guest panelists John Ketzenberger and Jon Easter, from the Antelope Club.

   We shall do a "wrap-up" of the 2014 Indiana General Assembly on Saturday, March 22, from 11 am to 1 pm. Our guest panelists will be John Ketzenberger and Jon Easter. CDN Senior Contributor Matt Stone also will be a panelist. CDN will stream live from the Antelope Club, 615 North Delaware Street.


Added by Mark Small on March 16, 2014 at 5:47am — 1 Comment

Call "Connect 2 Help" 211 hotline for help with a troubled child? You might invite DCS (f/k/a CPS) into your home and lives.

   Mayor Greg Ballard, in Indianapolis between jaunts overseas, has spoken out on how to address problems here in Indianapolis. Yesterday Mayor Ballard announced a new initiative---"Your Life Matters"---targeted, as noted by Indy Democrat blogger Jon Easter, "specifically towards troubled and at-risk young people." The Indianapolis daily newspaper noted: "Ballard pledged a $75,000 investment in the Connect 2 Help 211 telephone service. The nonprofit connects people, especially parents who…


Added by Mark Small on March 13, 2014 at 6:08am — No Comments

Lack of pizza delivery as a gauge of the ways in which the Broad Ripple area has "slipped."

   On Monday evening, I stayed up late. I did not go to bed until nearly 10 p.m. As I have grown older, the wild days of youth, when I would stay up until 11 p.m., have faded.

   I was hungry and decided to order a pizza.

   Even several years ago, there were several choices for delivery. Noble Roman's deep-dish was a favorite. Bazbeaux's whole-wheat crust was healthy, tasty, and local. There were the corporate fall-backs---Pizza Hut and Domino's (and I know Noble Roman's…


Added by Mark Small on March 12, 2014 at 5:43am — 1 Comment

March 8 Show: call in to 317.489.9219 as we talk about Gitmo, Ukraine and other topics from JT's Grill.

   After 9/11,the United States government took actions that were unrelated to defense against terrorists. The Patriot Act was passed by a docile Congress. In it, protections (i.e., rights) of the Constitution were out to the side in the interest of national security. The United States also transported people to the former Navy coaling station at Guantanamo Bay, on the island of Cuba, to be held.

   "Gitmo" was a loophole. If individuals had been arrested and charged with criminal…


Added by Mark Small on March 8, 2014 at 7:18am — No Comments

Sexuality threatened, people want war with Russia over the Ukraine.

   Over the past few days, commentators and politicians have expressed dis may over President Obama's restraint in the way he addresses the crisis over Ukraine. Senator Dan Coats and others want trade sanctions against Vladimir Putin's Russia. Others want some sort of military effort. Sarah Palin offered a view, along with a giggle, that President Obama's policy lacks "potency." Sexual innuendo has been a mechanism for comedy since the days of Aristophanes or before. As an expression of…


Added by Mark Small on March 6, 2014 at 6:58am — 1 Comment

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