Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

All Blog Posts (1,796)

ConservaTibbs got me to think more about "Capital Punishment"---a new audience participation Show!

   Yesterday, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Judicial Circuit halted the planned execution of Robert James Campbell.  Prosecutors had failed to provide Campbell’s attorneys with the results of two intelligence (IQ) tests that indicated Campbell’s IQ was under 70. The United States Supreme Court has held a person who is mentally retarded cannot be executed. Atkins v. Virginia, 536 U.S. 304 (2002). Also, the Court long ago held that the State is under an obligation to…


Added by Mark Small on May 14, 2014 at 6:18am — No Comments

I agree with ConservaTibbs: we should abolish lethal injections as means of execution---but we should abolish ALL executions.

   In his “ConservaTibbs” blog yesterday, Scott Tibbs wrote that governments here should abolish lethal injection as a means of capital punishment. We, as a people, should employ firing squads, hanging, or electrocution as means by which people “who deserve to die” are killed.

   Mr. Tibbs perhaps has missed the past couple of hundred years of legal evolution.

   At the time the Framers met in Philadelphia for the Constitutional Convention, there were about 60 crimes, in the…


Added by Mark Small on May 13, 2014 at 6:38am — No Comments

Privatization of Education in Indiana: guest Doug Martin, author of "Hoosier School Heist" and Justin Oakley of "Just Let Me Teach"

   "Hoosier School Heist," is a scathing analysis of the privatization of education in the United States, with a special focus on Indiana, written by Doug Martin. Mr.  Martin will be a guest on Civil Discourse Now today, streamed live from The Foundry at 236 East 16th Street, from 11 am to 1 pm.

   "Hoosier School Heist" portrays corporate greed and political corruption in a bipartisan light: the two "major" political parties have participated equally in the effort to dismantle this…


Added by Mark Small on May 10, 2014 at 6:30am — No Comments

Tomorrow's Show: education from The Foundry with guests Doug Martin and Justin Oakley.

   Civil Discourse Now will stream live from The Foundry at 236 East 16th Street, Saturday, May 10, from 11 am to 1 pm. 

   On this week’s Show we shall discuss education with Doug Martin, author of “Hoosier School Heist.” Justin Oakley, host of “Just Let Me Teach” and former candidate for Indiana Superintendent of Public Instruction also will join us. We may have one more guest panelist, but again, at this writing, I do not have confirmation.   

   The system of public education…


Added by Mark Small on May 9, 2014 at 6:05am — No Comments

Rep. Susan Brooks will have to get past Shawn Denney in 2014 to face---Evan Bayh for Senate in 2016?

   The dust has settled from the May 6 primaries. Yard signs now can be taken down and recycled. We all can take a big, deep breath and look ahead.

   There are two races for United States House of Representatives in Indiana that might prove interesting. In the Second District, incumbent and Republican Jackie Walorski might have her hands full.  The Second was reconfigured (i.e., gerrymandered) to be more secure to Republicans. However, Walorski is seen by some as weak. She is extremely…


Added by Mark Small on May 8, 2014 at 6:34am — No Comments

Way to go, Shawn Denney!

   Congratulations are extended to Shawn Denney for his victory in the Democratic primary election for the 5th Congressional District. He will run against incumbent Representative Susan Brooks in the general election in November. I also would like to say “good job” to Allen Ray Davidson who gave it his all, but came up short in the Democratic primary for the same position. Finally, I would say a similar “good job” to David Stockdale, who lost in the GOP primary for the 5th.

Added by Mark Small on May 7, 2014 at 5:57am — No Comments

Today's primaries: polling sites should be made easy to find and---don't vote for David Ford in the 5th Congressional District.

   If you want to know where to vote, one place at which you can find that information is the Voter Information Portal - Indianapolis on the internet. Another is the website of the Office of the Marion County Clerk.

   Last week I received a post card from the Office of the Marion County Clerk. The card was quite helpful, as it was notice of where our precinct polling site is located.  If I had not shuffled through the junk mail, found, and read the card, I would have driven to…


Added by Mark Small on May 6, 2014 at 5:52am — No Comments

Tomorrow's primary: if you are a fan of the "tea party" and live in the 5th Congressional District, vote for David Stockdale

   Tomorrow, May 6, are the Democratic and Republican primary elections. A lot of candidates are unopposed. One race, about which I have blogged extensively over the past week-and-a-half is for the Democratic Party nomination for 5th Congressional District. Three candidates will be on the ballot. Shawn Denney and Allen Ray Davidson are well-qualified. I would be honored if either of them was elected as my Congressperson. I will vote in the Democratic Party primary, as I have since I first…


Added by Mark Small on May 5, 2014 at 6:24am — No Comments

Gary Welsh and Paul Ogden: why I've blogged about David Ford's "stealth" candidacy in the 5th Congressional District.

   Gary Welsh's "Advance Indiana" and Paul Ogden's "Ogden on Politics" are blogs I read. I disagree with them on a wide variety of issues, but respect them for the views they hold.

   Yesterday Gary posted a question about my recent blogs in regard to David Ford, who appears to be a "tea party" candidate, but running in the Fifth Congressional District Democratic Party primary. On FaceBook yesterday, Gary asked why I obsessed over this guy, noting that even if David Ford wins the…


Added by Mark Small on May 4, 2014 at 8:04am — No Comments

Today---the Indianapolis 500 Festival Mini-Marathon! Good luck to everyone and: let's be careful out there.

   Today I will participate in my 16th consecutive "Mini." Two years ago I slowed down just past mile 10 and took the bus to the finish live. Otherwise, I have made it all 13.1 miles on foot each year.

   I was gratified this week when David Barris, on Channel 8, did a piece about my participation in the Mini and my diagnosis with MS in 1994. When I was diagnosed, the MS had rendered my legs immobile. I began to walk as therapy, and later used the challenge of the Mini to walk the…


Added by Mark Small on May 3, 2014 at 5:37am — No Comments

Okay, David Ford---cat got your tongue? Here is a list of questions to at least give voters an indication of who you are.

   The lines of our Congressional District have seemed to change every couple of years, even though our house has not moved since we bought it in 1995. Some of those years Dan Burton represented “our” District in Congress. Some years Andy Jacobs, jr., then Julia Carson, then Andre Carson was our U.S. Representative.

   No matter how much I disliked Dan Burton, I was unable to criticize him for the clarity of his positions on issues or his general political philosophy. The “political…


Added by Mark Small on May 2, 2014 at 6:10am — 1 Comment

David Ford has yet to respond: silence validates accusations he really is a "tea party" backer, but runs as a Democrat to defraud the electorate.

   David Ford, a candidate in the May 6 Democratic Party for 5th Congressional District, in which Rep. Susan Brooks (Republican) is the incumbent, has refused to answer specific questions about his political beliefs and philosophy.

   I use David Ford’s full name so as not to confuse anyone with JD Ford, a progressive Democratic Party candidate in the 29th State Senate District. That district overlaps the 5th Congressional District in an area that comprises roughly eighteen percent…


Added by Mark Small on May 1, 2014 at 6:06am — No Comments

Paul Ogden misses my point: David Ford has not been forthright about his views and knows the label of "tea party" will hurt him.

   Yesterday, in his widely-read “Ogden on Politics,” Paul Ogden wrote about my recent blogs about David Ford’s campaign for the Democratic Party nomination in the 5th Congressional District. As is often the case, Mr. Ogden has missed the point of my argument.

   Mr. Ogden initially alleges “Mark Small pens another article suggesting that David Ford ... is, gasp, a supporter of the Tea Party, and, therefore, not a real Democrat.” This is not an accurate summary of my argument. My…


Added by Mark Small on April 30, 2014 at 6:30am — No Comments

Need to know the difference between Fords: JD Ford is a Democrat, David Ford is from the "tea party."

   Everyone has a right to believe as she or he wishes to believe. There also is a concept of truth. In the context of elections, we should expect politicians to tell us what their stands are on issues. At the very least, when a candidate is asked if she or he embraces a particular philosophy or is for or against a stand on a specific issue, the candidate should answer, and answer truthfully.

   In 1960, JFK ran, in part, on the issue of a "missile gap" that did not exist. In 1968,…


Added by Mark Small on April 29, 2014 at 6:42am — No Comments

Today's Debate at Claude & Annie's in Fishers: Shawn Denney and Allen Ray Davidson, Democratic Party candidates for 5th Congressional District.

   We stream Civil Discourse Now "live" from 11 am to 1 pm each Saturday. You can catch The Show through "Indiana Talks" or Face Book. Our regular features---Kimann Schultz provides her "Fashion News & Muse"; Brandon gives his take on sports, and in "Tail of the City," the ever-corrupt Mayor Mallard uses TIFs to bilk the citizens of the fictional Marionville, Indiana. We will stream from Claude & Annie's at 9251 East 141st Street in Fishers. One of our guests will be Greg Purvis,…


Added by Mark Small on April 26, 2014 at 6:20am — No Comments

Saturday's debate between Allen Ray Davidson and Shawn Denny, but absent David Ford, who attempts a fraud on the electorate.

   Allen Ray Davidson and Shawn Denny are candidates in the May 6 primary to be the Democratic Party’s nominee to run against the incumbent, Susan Brooks, for the 5th Congressional District. Mr. Davidson and Mr. Denney accepted our invitation to debate this Saturday, April 26, at Claude & Annie’s, 9251 East 141st Street, Fishers. The debate will commence at noon. We stream from 11 am to 1 pm. During the first half of The Show, we will air our weekly segments from Kimann Schultz, “Fashion…


Added by Mark Small on April 25, 2014 at 6:24am — No Comments

Al Bundy, Ted Bundy, this Bundy, and that Bundy's take on "the Negro."

   Fox News seems to have launched a new reality TV show. Broadcast in Nevada, the central character is a rancher who wants to opt out of payment of fees other ranchers pay to graze their cattle on surrounding land. Cliven Bundy claims "ancestral rights" to the land. He owes over a million dollars in fines and penalties for his use of Federal lands. I am glad Fox News does not consider Cliven to be a welfare "deadbeat"!

   Cliven is an enlightened man, too. Here are his…


Added by Mark Small on April 24, 2014 at 6:10am — No Comments

5th Congressional District Democraticv Party candidates' debate Saturday at Claude & Annie's, Fishers, on "CDN," plus Greg Purvis.

   On Saturday, April 26, we shall stream live from Claude & Annie's, just west of SR 37 on 141st Street in Fishers. Democratic Party candidates on the May 6 primary ballot will debate issues from noon to 1 pm. Allen Ray Davidson, Shawn Denney and David Ford---I did that in alphabetical order; I'll mix up the order so the three each will be the first, middle and last at various points in the asking of questions---will discuss issues and answer questions. I will moderate. Matt Stone will…


Added by Mark Small on April 22, 2014 at 6:02am — No Comments

JT's Grille and Bar: today's Show w/candidates, "Fashion News & Muse," Sports, "Tail of the City," and more.

   from JD's Grille and Bar, 2210 East 54th Street, we shall stream today's Show from 11 am to 1 pm.

   Mike Claytor is seeking nomination of the Democratic Party for the office of Auditor of Indiana. For that office, "major" political parties nominate candidates through their state convention, not through the primary May 6. Mike has accepted our invitation to appear on Saturday's Show, introduce himself to the voters, and discuss issues he sees as germane to the race for his…


Added by Mark Small on April 19, 2014 at 6:23am — No Comments

Candidates pledge to refuse passes to suites---an update.

   On April 7 I blogged a challenge to candidates for public office, in the event a candidate is elected, the candidate will either refuse to accept passes to suites at Colts or Pacers games or at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, or donate any such proffered passes to charity.

   I like sports. I like watching basketball---I was born in Indiana. I would like to quit watching NFL games. The brain damage to players has been shown to be lethal. And I have listened to the Indianapolis 500…


Added by Mark Small on April 16, 2014 at 6:02am — No Comments

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