Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

Mark Small's Blog – October 2023 Archive (8)

Don't know & don't care: far right's attitude re: gun violence

Two posts this weekend showed Indiana’s far right’s core values. Number 1 is “Don’t Know,” embodied by a man [FN1] who would have fit in w/the 19th Century Know Nothings: Micah Beckwith. [FN2] Example: as he hyped his lectures on The Constitution he warned: 1/8

“stay away from higher education and [its] secular progressive bias.” He gives neither examples of bias nor reasons people should stay away from higher education. That betrays his own bias. A meme he re-posted on 10/28 goes…


Added by Mark Small on October 29, 2023 at 9:17pm — No Comments

Thoughts & prayers & other bullshit...

A mass shooting occurred this week. People can shake their heads, say “thoughts & prayers” or other bullshit, and go back to bragging about the imitation phalluses they brandish. After all, they remind us: “Guns made this country free!” That, too, is bullshit. 1/6

Factors in the victory over the British: colonies’ alliance w/France, debt the British had incurred in the years prior to and during the revolution, distance between England and the colonies, and the colonists’…


Added by Mark Small on October 28, 2023 at 2:58pm — No Comments

Beckwith shouldn't lie about the truth!

Micah Beckwith [FN1] posted a photo of Aldous Huxley w/3 paragraphs and a mention of “Tyler Durden.” Beckwith asserts “the left deliberately spreads false information based on feelings.” Beckwith’s posts have an emetic [FN2] effect, so grab a bucket. The post is classic “Becky.” 1/6

1: He asserts w/o specific citation to authorities. He can disavow parts when convenient or claim the whole thing as his.

2: He lies w/o concern for facts. He does this in a post about facts as “the…


Added by Mark Small on October 28, 2023 at 10:54am — No Comments

Break out your "thoughts & prayers" + thank the most corrupt SCOTUS in history!

Latest from Lewiston, Maine: 20 people died when one of those “lone gunmen” went nuts w/an assault style weapon. We all should be thankful for the NRA bribing public officials on a scale sufficient to ensure at least two other shooters did not cut loose in other places. 1/7

In post-Citizens United America, the NRA does not have to waste its valuable resources & stuff cash into public officials’ pockets. SCOTUS Associate Justice Clarence Thomas sets a great example of efficient…


Added by Mark Small on October 26, 2023 at 6:52am — No Comments

Beckwith's ignorance knows no limits

Gosh golly! Micah Beckwith [FN1] on FB posted a photo of U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan, who presides over trump’s prosecution on charges related to his attempt to subvert the 2020 election [FN2] and said trump “‘does not have the right to say what he pleases.’” 1/11

CNN reports Her Honor’s limited gag order bars trump from making public statements “about witnesses who might testify against him, as well as prosecutors and court staff.” trump still can campaign. Beckwith says “we…


Added by Mark Small on October 20, 2023 at 3:30pm — No Comments

Beckwith cited a headline from an op-ed that pushes violence

I erred in my 10/15 blog. I wrote Hamilton County preacher Micah Beckwith [FN1] posted “a photo & article, purportedly from a right wing website w/a headline: ‘Leftists Want the Same Massacre Here,’ i.e., Hamas & Israel.” A 10/12/23 op-ed used the photo &the headline 1/10

cited by Beckwith. It was written by Kurt Schlicther [FN2] a Senior columnist, as well as an L.A. trial lawyer, and retired army infantry colonel. [FN3] The op-ed is sick: “our foreign and…


Added by Mark Small on October 17, 2023 at 6:18pm — No Comments

Beckwith's claims are hardly "civil"

On 8/8/23, Micah Beckwith [FN1] discussed civility in social media on John Schmitz’s FB podcast “Mouthwash.” John played my 2-minute clip “smalltalk,” about HEPL’s policy (now suspended) to review books in the young adult section, passed by a temporary 4-3 majority 1/11

of far-right wing people on HEPL’s board, one of whom was Beckwith. [FN2] On 10/14/23, Beckwith posted a photo & article, purportedly from a right wing website w/a headline: “Leftists Want the Same Massacre Here,”…


Added by Mark Small on October 15, 2023 at 12:54pm — No Comments

10/3 at 7 pm on FB & YouTube

Tonight, October 3 at 7 pm, is the debut of Civil Discourse Now, available on FB & YouTube. Without civil discourse, we have no society. We are honored to have Pastor Chris Duckworth, of New Joy Lutheran Church, Westfield, as a premier guest. As Jane Reed, CDN’s producer 1/2

noted in her post about tonight’s show, Pastor Chris embodies inclusive mind thought and spirituality and will discuss the issues involving the LGBTQ. Also, activist Cassie Jackson shot a video that we’Il…


Added by Mark Small on October 3, 2023 at 6:00am — No Comments

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