Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

Mark Small's Blog (1,813)

Help Mr. Wizard, turn me into a turtle!

   The economy is in shambles because (1) Bush II helped his frat brothers at the Yale chapter of Deke and gave them and their peers huge tax breaks in 2001 and (2) took us into one-and-a-half unnecessary wars. I say one-and-a-half because after 9/11 Osama bin Laden was in Afghanistan. We were justified to seek him out and capture or kill him. Other than that, our experience there has been the same as that of the British in the 1920s and the Soviets in the 1980s. Those who fail to study…


Added by Mark Small on July 15, 2011 at 5:57am — No Comments

Really, Call Them Teabaggers

Really, Call Them "Teabaggers"

   Its participants prefer to call it "tea party." They take offense—major-league and personal—at the label "teabaggers." When I wrote a blog last week on "Hoosier values," I made reference to participants in whatever this thing it is they have—I think Tony Soprano called his and his fellows’ activities "this thing we have," and it was not waste reclamation—teabaggers as teabaggers. I wrote:

 "Some people are…


Added by Mark Small on July 13, 2011 at 5:57am — No Comments

There are no "Hoosier values" or "average Hoosiers."


   This is a riposte to comments made in response to a blog my friend Paul Ogden was kind enough to run on his website, "Ogden on Politics." In his response, one David Ditton suggested that if I "disagree with so many values of the average Hoosier" perhaps I should relocated to Massachusetts, New York, Washington, or California. This "love it or leave it" attitude was not new when I heard it expressed in the 1960s.

   "Values" are more complex than…


Added by Mark Small on July 12, 2011 at 5:00am — No Comments

Hoosier Values

This morning I posted a response on Paul Ogden's blog, Ogden on Politics, in response to someone who questioned whether I have Hoosier values. The responses are under a guest column on Indiana's primaries that I wrote, and Paul was kind enough to post, last week.

Added by Mark Small on July 11, 2011 at 8:01am — No Comments

Indiana's primary election system violates both constitutions and is illegal.

   Indiana provides for secret ballots, outlaws the buying of votes, and makes no reference by name (the proverbial elephant, and in this case his/her pal donkey, in the room) to either of the two "major" parties 

   Tomorrow will appear on this site an essay on the unconstitutional nature and illegality of the Indiana primary election system. The statutory scheme is farcical. So stay tuned---or on-line or whatever the appropriate term would be in the early 21st Century. 

Added by Mark Small on July 6, 2011 at 5:14am — No Comments

What is it with these spam attacks?

The ads for various supplements were spammed onto this site a couple of days ago. The ads were removed.

Added by Mark Small on July 2, 2011 at 12:31pm — No Comments

Afghanistan. Let's get out.

There is no viable reason for United States military forces to remain in Afghanistan. There are two truths in life. The first, never fight a land war in Asia. That is paraphrased from "The Princess Bride." There's a lot of money to be made in war by contractors, even if there is no political point to the conflict. That was the lesson many businesspeople took from Vietnam. As an Afghani war lord supposedly said to the British Viceroy shortly after Britain rolled into Kabul: Congratulations on… Continue

Added by Mark Small on June 18, 2011 at 6:02am — No Comments

Getting Sick in a Strange Place

Getting Sick in a Strange Place

One factor to consider in getting away is choice of destination, obviously. But there are a macro-choice, as it were, and a micro-choice.

We were in Florida a couple of weeks ago. Friends have a house there and invited us for the weekend. We had tickets for the Tampa Rays-Angels game. And sorry, I cannot use a geographic noun in reference to the Angels. When the franchise opened in 1962, they were called the Los Angeles Angels. They moved,…


Added by Mark Small on May 17, 2011 at 6:00am — No Comments

Software glitches

For the past few weeks we have said software problems with the show. We have filmed shows, but have not been able to download/upload/embed and otherwise put the shows onto the website. Those problems soon will be resolved and several shows will be on the site within the next few days.

Added by Mark Small on May 12, 2011 at 5:47am — No Comments



Saturday, May 14, 2011, beginning at 3 p.m., come to the Broad Ripple Tavern, at the corner of Carrollton and Broad Ripple, to meet and socialize.

Other blogs might support the Republican, Democratic, or Libertarian parties. Others might tout what I have discerned only as the amorphous views of the party of tea. Here at 3leftturnsmakearight, however, our concept of "party" is slightly different. As one historian has noted, in writing of the…


Added by Mark Small on May 5, 2011 at 5:52am — No Comments

Citizens United, Part 2


Corporations are not mentioned the United States Constitution or in the Bill of Rights. At the time of the Constitutional Convention, only a few corporations existed. Those entities were created for temporary works, such as construction of a specific bridge or road. There was good reason for the Framers to be suspicious of corporations. The Boston Tea Party was a reaction to British favoritism for the East India Tea Company. Thomas Jefferson, though not a delegate to the…


Added by Mark Small on May 3, 2011 at 5:51am — No Comments

Repeal the Second Amendment

Gun violence has sparked debates on half-way measures. People advocate limits on handguns. Cities enact laws restricting handguns. After the shootings in Arizona, there was a movement to ban 30-shot clips for assault rifles. Personally, I believe these suggested measures are half-way. To stem gun violence we should ban private ownership of firearms---all firearms. Law enforcement personnel reasonably require firearms. Our military reasonably require firearms. Individual citizen ownership of… Continue

Added by Mark Small on April 11, 2011 at 8:27pm — No Comments

Guantanamo Bay

On Saturday, April 9, my guest will, once again, be Curt Coonrod. We will discuss Guantanamo Bay. I believe we share a fondness for Cuban cigars. (Personally, I like Cohiba Esplendidas and Hoyo de Monterrey double coronas. Unfortunately, the tiny area of Cuba on which the tobacco for those cigars is grown is far away from Guantanmo Bay.) We will discuss the status of detainees held by the United States at Gitmo.  

Added by Mark Small on April 9, 2011 at 5:53am — No Comments

Resolved: the United States should have national health care

Our debate for March 25 will be that national---read that socialized, folks---health care should be provided in the United States. My guest/opponent will be Dr. Michael Pratt, D.C. I will take the negative position, in defense of the status quo.

Added by Mark Small on March 26, 2011 at 5:47am — No Comments

Carlos Lam, Former Guest/Opponent, Disappoints

I was e-mailed yesterday morning about the news concerning Carlos Lam who, as many already know, e-mailed the governor of Wisconsin to suggest the governor engage in a tactic Carols called "false flags" to discredit union activists in the demonstrations against that governor's bone-headed actions. In earlier times the tactic was called "agents provacateurs." It consists of planting one or more poseurs in the ranks of the opponent's demonstrations. The poseur(s) then engage in acts of…


Added by Mark Small on March 26, 2011 at 5:45am — No Comments

An Odd Series of Dreams

I awoke this morning from an odd series of dreams. In one, the governor of Michigan had caused to be enacted a legislative package that conferred the power of government on corporations. The corporations would run cities—individual services or departments or entire cities themselves—without the inefficiency of voter input through elections. In another dream, government leaders in several states raced one another to sell off assets, built by the public with public capital raised from…


Added by Mark Small on March 25, 2011 at 5:59am — No Comments

"Citizens United v. FEC" was a poorly-reasoned example of "judicial activism." Part 1

Our election process was significantly damaged by one of the worst decisions in the history of the United States Supreme Court, Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. Procedurally, the decision was hypocritical, an act of judicial activism antithetical to the what generally is viewed as appropriate by Republicans. Substantively, it enables foreign shareholders to exercise the rights of American citizens through the corporations those shareholders come to own and…


Added by Mark Small on March 24, 2011 at 5:46am — No Comments

Resolved: that Justice Clarence Thomas should be impeached.

Our March 19, 2011, debate will consider whether Justice Clarence Thomas of the United States Supreme Court should be mpeached. I shall represent the negative on tis issue.

Added by Mark Small on March 16, 2011 at 8:40pm — No Comments

Why corporations are a bad idea.

I was asked last night why the "left" finds the word "corporation" to be evil. I asked the person to clarify what he meant by the "left" and whether he used the word "evil in ecclesiastical context. So began that part of our conversation.

A corporation is not a living, breathing thing. It is created by statutes and consists of a piece of paper. A corporation has no national loyalties. Its loyalties are to its shareholders. A for-profit corporation’s morality is shaped by its reason…


Added by Mark Small on March 11, 2011 at 6:31am — No Comments

First two segments of March 5 debate salvaged

I was able to pull the first two segments of the debate Carols Lam and I had on March 5 concerning public funding of  Planned Parenthood. Those now are on the web site. 

Added by Mark Small on March 10, 2011 at 6:49am — No Comments

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