Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

March 2011 Blog Posts (10)

Resolved: the United States should have national health care

Our debate for March 25 will be that national---read that socialized, folks---health care should be provided in the United States. My guest/opponent will be Dr. Michael Pratt, D.C. I will take the negative position, in defense of the status quo.

Added by Mark Small on March 26, 2011 at 5:47am — No Comments

Carlos Lam, Former Guest/Opponent, Disappoints

I was e-mailed yesterday morning about the news concerning Carlos Lam who, as many already know, e-mailed the governor of Wisconsin to suggest the governor engage in a tactic Carols called "false flags" to discredit union activists in the demonstrations against that governor's bone-headed actions. In earlier times the tactic was called "agents provacateurs." It consists of planting one or more poseurs in the ranks of the opponent's demonstrations. The poseur(s) then engage in acts of…


Added by Mark Small on March 26, 2011 at 5:45am — No Comments

An Odd Series of Dreams

I awoke this morning from an odd series of dreams. In one, the governor of Michigan had caused to be enacted a legislative package that conferred the power of government on corporations. The corporations would run cities—individual services or departments or entire cities themselves—without the inefficiency of voter input through elections. In another dream, government leaders in several states raced one another to sell off assets, built by the public with public capital raised from…


Added by Mark Small on March 25, 2011 at 5:59am — No Comments

"Citizens United v. FEC" was a poorly-reasoned example of "judicial activism." Part 1

Our election process was significantly damaged by one of the worst decisions in the history of the United States Supreme Court, Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. Procedurally, the decision was hypocritical, an act of judicial activism antithetical to the what generally is viewed as appropriate by Republicans. Substantively, it enables foreign shareholders to exercise the rights of American citizens through the corporations those shareholders come to own and…


Added by Mark Small on March 24, 2011 at 5:46am — No Comments

Resolved: that Justice Clarence Thomas should be impeached.

Our March 19, 2011, debate will consider whether Justice Clarence Thomas of the United States Supreme Court should be mpeached. I shall represent the negative on tis issue.

Added by Mark Small on March 16, 2011 at 8:40pm — No Comments

Why corporations are a bad idea.

I was asked last night why the "left" finds the word "corporation" to be evil. I asked the person to clarify what he meant by the "left" and whether he used the word "evil in ecclesiastical context. So began that part of our conversation.

A corporation is not a living, breathing thing. It is created by statutes and consists of a piece of paper. A corporation has no national loyalties. Its loyalties are to its shareholders. A for-profit corporation’s morality is shaped by its reason…


Added by Mark Small on March 11, 2011 at 6:31am — No Comments

First two segments of March 5 debate salvaged

I was able to pull the first two segments of the debate Carols Lam and I had on March 5 concerning public funding of  Planned Parenthood. Those now are on the web site. 

Added by Mark Small on March 10, 2011 at 6:49am — No Comments

The March 5, 2011, Debate

On March 5, Carlos Lam was gracious enough to travel to my office and debate Resolved: Planned Parenthood should receive public funding. Carlos is a lawyer. His appearance on the show was not in connection with his employer and solely was a personal matter on his personal time. Through technical glitches—i.e., my ineptitude in the operation of transfer of taped images and audio from camera to computer—much of the debate was lost. For that I apologize, both to Carlos, who took time out…


Added by Mark Small on March 6, 2011 at 7:23am — No Comments

Removal of Apparent Adbot

Someone posted on this site something that made little sense, given the content of the site. I e-mailed the person who posted the item and asked if the post was simply an adbot. An adbot is a creature of the computer world that seeks out new websites and enters a post that, in reality, is an advertisement. I received no response. I infer from the lack of response that my suspicions are a reality. I therefore deleted the matter. If I was wrong about the matter being an adbot, the person who… Continue

Added by Mark Small on March 6, 2011 at 6:11am — No Comments

March 5 debate is Resolved: The public should fund Planned Parenthood.

The recent brouhaha over budgets has been many-faceted. I did not think a debate on the budget as a whole could be easily accommodated on the show, given our time limits.  So I thought we could concentrate on one aspect of the national budget over which people have strong feelings. We will debate on Saturday at 1. I will try to upload the show that afternoon.

Added by Mark Small on March 3, 2011 at 6:43am — No Comments

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