Civil Discourse Now

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The real "RINOs" are those on the far right who have hijacked the formerly progressive GOP

Each “RINO” (“Republican in Name Only”) should be ashamed. From its 1854 founding as the party opposed to slavery, through legislative enactments for an income tax “proportionate to ( ) ability to pay,” Rep Morrill (R-VT), to fighting for clean air & water (1890s to 1970s)... 1/6

through protecting a woman’s right to choose, the GOP was not “a” but the progressive party. In 1964, cynics covetous of power realized the GOP could poach Electors’ votes from Dems’ “Solid South” by an appeal to racists. Gun control was advocated by Nixon (favored federal ban on... 2/6

handguns) Reagan, George W. Bush & George H.W. Bush (renounced lifetime membership in the NRA). Rolling Stone, 10/15/15). RINOs who advocate for trump and policies at odds with the progressive history of the GOP should stop. If we are to reduce violent crime, we must 3/6

reduce the numbers and availability of guns. SCOTUS, as now comprised, has construed the 2nd Amendment as providing an individual right not recognized in over two centuries. We should hope the jurisprudence of the Roberts (or more properly trump) Court joins that of Taney. 4/6

Until then, if we are to address violent crime in Indy, we have to restrict access to guns wherever possible. For starters don’t (1) own a gun or (2) allow guns in your home. We should encourage gun-free zones (such as Dodge City and Tombstone in the old west) wherever possible. 5/6

Progressives brought us out of the Depression & stopped the folly of U.S. military involvement in Vietnam. We can stop guns (& RINOs). I’m Mark Small: anti-gun, pro-choice, pro-science, GOP candidate for City-County Council Distr 2. I approve of this message. Hell, I wrote it. 6/6

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Comment by pogden297 on February 6, 2023 at 8:22am

I'm sure criminals upon entering a "gun free zone" will leave their guns at home because as we know criminals like to follow the law.  FYI, that was sarcasm.

I don't know when the Republican Party has ever opposed homeowners having guns in their homes to protect themselves.  Even the most extreme liberal Democrats don't take that position.

I am over 60 ad I don't recall the GOP being a pro-abortion rights party.  I guess being "pro-science" doesn't include the science of pre-natal development.


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