Civil Discourse Now

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Sec'y of State: Indiana's chief elections officer

Indiana Secretary of State (“SoS”), established by Indiana’s Constitution, Art. 6, § 1, will be on the ballot in November. An office few notice, the % of votes a party’s candidate receives for SoS determines if the party must hold a primary. I.C. 3-10-1-2. That’s free publicity. 1/5

% of votes also can make a party one of the 2 “major” political parties in Indiana. SoS is State’s chief elections officer. I.C. 3-6-3.7-1. The SoS can be pivotal. Pennsylvania’s GOP nominee for Gov, Doug Mastriano, ran on election sabotage. He’s FOR it. That’s scary. 2/5

“[Pennsylvania] secretary of state who’s delegated from me the power to make the corrections to elections, the voting logs and everything. I could decertify every machine in the state with the stroke of a pen.” Mastriano wants to sabotage the election. He attended Jan 6 insurrection. 3/5

He believes in QAnon. Fortunately Indiana’s SofS is not appointed by a nutzoid right wing governor. Our State’s chief elections officer must be impartial & not use her or his pen to decertify ANY votes. Our right to vote is at stake, now more than ever. Cheating: 4/5

isnt supposed to win an election. Our SoS’s duty is to guard the system. Be careful when you cast your vote for SoS. I’m Mark Small: pro-voting rights, pro-legalization of drugs, pro-choice, pro-civil rts GOP candidate, Indiana House Distr 86. I approve of this blog. Hell, I wrote it. 5/5

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Comment by pogden297 on May 20, 2022 at 7:24am

In Indiana, the Secretary of State's authority as "chief elections officer" is pretty much limited to being a keeper of election records.  You fail to cite all the statutes that carve out the SOS's power and gives that power to other people.  At the State level, in Indiana, the State Election Division which handles almost all election matters is run by bipartisan directors who are appointed by the Governor, not the SOS.  Then you have county clerks and county election boards which are charged with substantial authority when it comes to running elections.  The SOS is a toothless position when it comes to running elections.


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