Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

One more time: legalize marijuana and, well, all other drugs

In the GOP primary for U.S. Senate, Dr Oz (apparently) opposes legalization of pot: “We need to get Pennsylvanians back at work. You got to give them their mojo. I don’t want marijuana to be a hindrance to that.” If Indiana legalizes pot, we help our economy in several ways. 1/5

First: we ditch catastrophic damage caused when ppl are busted/convicted for sale or possession of a plant. These busts prevent people from getting into college, getting jobs, etc. Second: we stick a nice fork into the private prison industry. They profit when there are more inmates. 2/5

In the “land of the free” we should NOT treat higher numbers of people behind bars as a goal. Third: we save money in law enforcement & jails. Fourth: IN can pull in tax revenue. Fifth: IN can rocket into the 21st Century (lagging behind our neighbor States of IL, KY & MI). 3/5

Sixth: we become more free. Bottom line: Overall harms related to pot result from it being illegal not from intrinsic qualities of the plant/ how it is used. The same arguments apply to prohibition of alcohol & all drugs. We should legalize all drugs. Read about Portugal. 4/5

Dr. Oz should get a grip on reality & have an edible. I’m Mark Small: pro-choice, pro-civil rts, pro-environment, pro-legal drugs, pro-voting rights and anti-gun & anti-trump GOP candidate for Indiana House Distr 86. I approve of this blog. Hell, I wrote it. 5/5

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