Civil Discourse Now

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2 facts establish why guns do not deter crime

2 facts: 1) Nearly all burglars avoid homes when people are there & 2) Guns deter burglars only when person is at home to use the gun. One: ppl buy timers 4 lights & when they’re away no one tell if it’s vacant. You don’t post vacays on FB ‘til you’re back. For the same reason 1/4

ppl who live in apts in complexes w/high % of public housing crank v-o-l on TVs if they’re not home. Two: can’t use a gun to protect your home if you’re not home. It’s a bluff can’t work as burglars know you’re not there to play the hand, but guns are easily fenced. Burglars... 2/4

love homes w/handguns. Problem: CDC’s been blocked fr sponsoring studies of gun violence as health issue since mid-1990s. Lincoln: Let the People know the facts & the country will be safe. If elected I’ll propose that Indiana sponsor peer reviewed studies if the CDC can’t.. 3/4

If guns save more lives than they take let us know. I’m Mark Small, pro-choice, pro environment, pro-civil rts & anti-gun. I’m GOP nominee (I won the primary) candidate for Indiana House District 86. I approve of this blog. Hell, I wrote it. 4/4

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Comment by pogden297 on May 21, 2022 at 8:58am

And 100% of rapes occur when a person is at home.  So, you don't think those women should have a right to defend themselves?


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