Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

Response to IBJ op-ed by my opponent, Rep Ed Delaney

In an op-ed for the Indianapolis Business Journal (IBJ), Rep Ed Delaney, my Democratic Party opponent in the November general election made several points, the basic notion being Indiana needs to use its budget surplus  for items that will attract businesses. Rep Delaney didnt mean we need to give more tax breaks 1/4

to businesses. He used a recent speech by the CEO of Eli Lilly, and that company’s decision to expand, but to do so outside of the Hoosier State, to make the point that we need to invest in education and health. I agree with Rep Delaney. The budget surplus represents how well some sectors of our State economy have done. 2/4

That’s not overtaxation. We should invest the $5 to $7 billion surplus in the area Rep Delaney cites: health and education. What’s this? A GOP candidate agreeing with his Democratic opponent? Yes. 3/4

I disagree with Rep Delaney on other issues. We need to put rationality back in campaigns. I’m Mark Small: pro-choice, pro environment, pro-science, pro-separation of church & State & GOP candidate for Indiana House District 86. I approve of this blog. Hell, I wrote it. 4/4

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Comment by pogden297 on May 18, 2022 at 3:28pm

We "invest" more and more money in education, particularly K-12 education, every year. When is enough enough?


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