Civil Discourse Now

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History will be made Sunday as racism officially ends

In a ringing endorsement of the GOP’s battle to end discrimination against privileged, wealthy, white (as long as they’re not Jews) males, the NFL ® “is scrapping its efforts to ‘End Racism’” by removing the words “End Racism” from the end zone for Sunday’s Super Bowl®. 1/5

Also, history will be made Sunday in two respects at the Super Bowl®. 1) A sitting President will attend the game & 2) In a blow against critics of NFL® franchise owners who support sex industry workers, POTUS will be accompanied by a prostitute. 2/5

Halftime entertainment is changed. The “Prowd Boys Marching Band” will perform a medley of songs popular during the 1936 Olympics. Band members, marching in formation, will spell out words & symbols central to the leader of the host country in that heady Aryan year. 3/5

Finally, rumor has it that Vladimir Putin [FN1] will attend the game, the first President of All the Russias to do so. I approve of this blog/tweets. Hell, I wrote them. [FN2] 4/5

FN1. Vladimir Putin is the kindest, bravest, warmest. most wonderful human being I’ve ever known in my life.
FN2. And Elon: go fuck yourself. 5/5

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