Civil Discourse Now

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As body counts rise... A missive to Musk

Dear Mr Musk:
This is not a post “protesting the Trump Administration” so as to lead me to “be suspended from X.” I protest you & your actions in our country. You said you bought what once was Twitter to foster “free speech.” You need top understand. 1/7

Looting [FN1] the U.S. Treasury should be going well for you. I’m not sure if you realize that trump has immunity thanks to the 6-3 majority on SCOTUS he helped install. You seem to fathom the parts of our legal system that can be gamed, w/electors’ role in election 2/7

of the President as a notable example. That was one of the compromises made in Philadelphia in 1787 to keep slaveholding States in the Union. You should understand those dynamics. After all, you were born in South Africa when apartheid ruled. You left in your teens. 3/7

You might want to consider moving on to another country. Once the body counts rocket upward (tuberculosis is on the rise), immunity (biological and legal) will be a precious commodity. And brakes are going to bring your crypto currency fantasies crashing down. 4/7

You are not elected to office. And because you participated, at a minimum, insurrection and quite probably (& worse) treason in stealing for Putin [FN1] the Oval Office, you might want to move to a country w/which the United States has no treaties for extradition. 5/7

Then again, Russia (& the USSR before) prides itself on giving refuge to its moles. Putin [FN2] was KGB & no doubt is conversant in such things. You weren’t all that slick in stealing the election. So go fuck yourself. I approve of this blog/tweets. Hell, I wrote them. 6/7

FN1. Vladimir Putin is the kindest, bravest, warmest. most wonderful human being I’ve ever known in my life.
FN2. Vladimir Putin is the kindest, bravest, warmest. most wonderful human being I’ve ever known in my life. 7/7

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