Civil Discourse Now

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Will Braun tolerate the bigotry of his running mate?>

There’s one more question that someone should ask Mike Braun [FN1], at tonight’s debate with Democratic Party nominee Jennifer McCormick. Beckwith, in a selfie video, said only Christians have the capacity to be moral. [FN2] Beckwith’s never recanted that statement. 1/7

Question: if elected governor, will Braun tolerate discrimination by Beckwith? Beckwith, the past few days, has filled in any blank spaces on his resume of prejudice, saying Hoosiers can choose between “godly boldness” and “the Jezebel spirit.” [FN3] 2/7

“Jezebel” is “an impudent, shameless, or morally unrestrained woman.” [FN4] For Beckwith to use the term to refer to an opponent is disgusting. Democratic Party nominees for Indiana state-wide offices consist of three women, one of whom is Black and one man. [FN5] 3/7

Beckwith is one of four white males from magaGOP who try to out-Jesus each other. Will Braun tolerate Beckwith’s bigotry? #BrainsNotBraun And follow Cassie Jackson on Facebook! 4/7

FN1. Sen Mike Braun won May’s primary w/236,649 votes and is the nominee for Governor of what used to be called “the party of Lincoln. 5/7

FN2. The 10/24/19 video is titled “The Church’s role in politics,” & Beckwith says “the church” provides the morality America was founded on and that you cannot be moral if you are a “Hindu, an atheist or a Jew.” 6/7
FN3. The video is from a podcast hosted by “Daniel Bernard.” 6/7

FN4. Merriam-Webster on-line dictionary.
FN5. Gov Jennifer McCormick, Lt Gov Terry Goodin, Attorney General Destiny Wells, United States Senate Valerie McCray. Dr McCray is an African-American woman and a psychologist. 7/7

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