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The face of magaGOP Micah Beckwith ... lies

Two words: Beckwith lies.
An article about magaGOP nominee for IN Lt Gov Micah Beckwith could get people feeling sorry for Mike Braun, the party’s nominee for Gov by virtue of winning May’s primary w/236,649 votes. [FN1] Beckwith got the No. 2 spot at convention... 1/10

and by a margin of 67 delegates, not all of whom were party “insiders.” [FN2] Beckwith spent the year prior to the convention traveling the State & recruiting people to run to be delegates. Now Beckwith is saying the opposing party has a “Jezebel spirit.” [FN2] 2/10

Beckwith dodges criticism of his misogyny saying “the Jezebel spirit has nothing to do with gender, but the ideas the Democrats support, which he likens to Jezebel's ‘defiling’ of Israel.” [FN3] No, Beckwith defiles the party of Lincoln which generally was progressive. 3/10

Two words: Beckwith lies.
Beckwith’s chat with “the Lord,” in which (Beckwith claimed) the Lord took credit for January 6 got a lot of press. Nobody paid much attention to Beckwith’s adding details. [FN4] But there’s this... 4/10

During a campaign event in which an audience member, who later identified himself as a delegate, said “I think everybody in this room probably recognized January 6th as an FBI – [Nancy] Pelosi state operation.” Beckwith only said “Yeah” in response. [FN5] 5/10

In 2008, Sen John McCain corrected an audience member in a town hall event and said Senator Obama was an honorable man. That took courage.
Supposedly GOD told Beckwith THAT WAS MY HAND at work on January 6. Beckwith didn’t correct the guy. 6/10

People who profess beliefs and claim high moral values should reflect on how they possibly can support Beckwith, who lies with impunity and allows someone to suggest the FBI had done a false flag operation when GOD told Beckwith... 7/10

Unless, of course, it’s not such a big deal. They are after a higher value. They want control of the government. They want a theocracy. In the end, it’s all about power and to get that power, Beckwith. #BrainsNotBraun 8/10

FN1. Braun won w/236,649 votes, or 39.6 % of six (6) candidates. AXIOS, Indianapolis.
FN2. Dwyer, Kayla, “Lt. Gov. candidate Micah Beckwith compares Indiana Democrats to the 'Jezebel spirit,'” IndyStar, 10/03/2024. 9/10

FN3. Id.
FN4. Gotsch, Nathan, “GOP insiders: Mike Braun has a big Micah Beckwith problem,” 6/5/24.
FN5. Gotsch, Nathan, “‘People say, wow, that’s super extreme. No, it’s not’: What Micah Beckwith is telling GOP delegates to win them over,” 6/10/24. 10/10

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