Civil Discourse Now

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Why people should vote in the primary election May 3

Ppl don’t get excited about primary elections. Indiana’s is May 3. Early voting has begun in Indy at City-County Bldg. Other sites will open April 23. You might believe you’re registered to vote, but this iteration of the GOP doesn’t like “adverse” voters. We need to test the system...1/4

(1) Voter rolls get purged. Your registration might have crossed the wrong GOP algorithm. It’s better to be turned away at the primary than to be turned away in November. (2) You can check registration on-line, but to cast a vote adds to validity. And then (3) The super-majority...2/4

Indiana GOP Gen’l Assembly might hold a “special session” B4 November & set new rules for purges. Possible drawback: you have to request primary ballot for either R or D & that could bind you in future primaries. Ah! But that’s if we have free elections in the future. 3/4

There are various ways to beat these people. I’m running for office in the GOP primary. We can’t abandon half of a 2-party system to hatred & lunacy. I’m Mark Small: pro-choice, pro-civil rts & anti-gun candidate, Indiana House Distr 86. I approve of this blog. Hell, I wrote it. 4/4

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Comment by pogden297 on April 15, 2022 at 11:21am

People get purged because they haven't voted in several elections, at least once in a four year cycle.  It's a way of cleaning up voter registration rolls that is mandated by federal law, but is often ignored by state and local officials.  The feds have also made the process very cumbersome and expensive.   It involves sending out two post cards to the last address of the registered voters.

If you work the polls, and deal with voter registration lists, you will find about 20% of the names on the list are people who have moved or died.  In the past when there was automatic purges for not voting one time in four years, the lists were kept relatively clean.  Now voter registration rolls are so bloated by moved and dead voters that many Indiana counties have more people registered to vote than the adult population in those counties.  Marion County one time had 105% registration of its adult population.

The notion that there are scores of people turned away because they've been improperly purged from the voter registration rolls is Democratic malarky peddled by the likes of Stacey "Sore Loser" Abrams..  Sure, there are a few incidents in which it happens, but it almost always an administrative mistake, not an effort to disenfranchise voters.  

There was nothing wrong with the automatic purges that were eliminated by Congress with the Motor Voter Law in 1994.  The odds of someone who hasn't voted a single time in a four year cycle, still living at that address and wanting to vote is about .1%.  That's because about 99.9% of them are dead or have moved. That's why they are not voting.  Instead Congress makes us go through a ridiculously expensive and laborious policy to remove those voters.


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