Last evening on “Civil Discourse Now,” an individual posted comments & reflected her/his view that lax school discipline causes crime, & kids should be taught job skills & not critical thinking. Her/his comments reflect amorality that poses as a superior morality. The capacity...1/5
to question is an important quality to be taught in schools in a free society. To teach only job skills in schools (1) itself teaches a form of morality: obey those in authority & do not question & (2) hides what ppl like her/him will follow up with: her/his religion. These ppl seek...2/5
a stranglehold on our schools. In the afternoon a person called & was upset that “Call Me Max” is being taught to little kids. I asked if he’d read it. He summarized a plot then admitted he’d not read the book. I told him to read it & not let others think for him. Whether one calls them...3/5
MAGA or Qanon, etc, if they get control of Congr in 2022 & Oval Office in 2024, our republic will be at an end. An Austrian former corporal won an election in 1933 & never ceded power until 1945. Of different ways to oppose them, I’ve opted to run as a candidate...4/5
in Indiana’s GOP, an NFP corp entity that answers only to its Bd, not the voters. We can’t abandon ½ of our system. I’m Mark Small: pro-choice, pro environment, pro-civil rts, anti-gun GOP candidate, Ind House Distr 86. I approve of this blog. Hell, I wrote it. 5/5
© 2025 Created by Mark Small.
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