Civil Discourse Now

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Where to get Info for how to register to vote. Do it!

In 1974 I helped register voters at the Howard County 4-H Fair. Each of the two “major” political parties had a tent with volunteers trying to get as many eligible people as possible registered. In 2006, in Washington Twp 21-01, both D’s & R’s worked together to help people vote. 1/5

Today a friend called, then sent a screen-shot of an application for an absentee ballot she received from the Democratic Party. I want to know if the Indiana GOP is sending out any non-partisan info for how or where people can vote. People died to secure the right to vote. 2/5

If you (1) are eligible & (2) fail to register or (3) register but fail to vote, you raise a middle finger, as you sit on your butt, and demean the efforts of those who gave up so much to secure the right to vote. Oct. 11 is the deadline to register, but act as if tomorrow’s the deadline. 3/5

Fair notice: I’m GOP precinct committee chair (PC), Marion County, IN, Wash Twp, precinct 21-01. IN’s Sec’y of State has info: The Marion County Clerk: 4/5

When apathy wins, everyone loses. I’m Mark Small: pro-voting rights, pro-legalization of drugs, pro-choice, pro-civil rts GOP nominee for Indiana House Distr 86. I approve of this blog. Hell, I wrote it. 5/5

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