Civil Discourse Now

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No one questioned the results of elections held during the Civil War (1864) or WWII (1944). A litmus test for today’s GOP is belief that the 2020 election was hacked for Pres Biden’s benefit. What happens, here in Indiana, if the GOP claims elections in November are not valid? 1/8

1) Who wins election for IN Gov is central. There has been no indication that the Democratic Party candidate for Governor, Jennifer McCormick, has bought into the “big lie” otoh, Sen Mike Braun, the GOP nominee, was ready to reject electors from disputed States. [FN1] 2/8

2) Indiana’s governor has authority and “shall declare a disaster emergency by executive order or proclamation if the governor determines that a disaster has occurred or that the occurrence or the threat of a disaster is imminent.” [FN2] The statute adds to the Gov’s authority+ 3/8

Notes Gov “is commander-in-chief” of organized & unorganized militia & other forces available for emergency duty. [FN3] Gov can use all available resources of the state to cope w/the disaster emergency. [FN4] The Gen’l Assembly can terminate the order at any time. [FN5] 4/8

The Heritage Foundation already has issued its Project 2025 that explains how things can change
if a right winger gets the Oval Office. Indiana is one piece of a machine to steam roll our rights. Justification for the plan consists of lies, but the plan itself sets out dictatorial promises. 5/8

Shortly after taking office, other dictators justified grabs of power that they never relinquished. [FN6] Only later did it become apparent that the dictators had a hand in creating the emergencies by which they claimed Broader powers. 6/8

FN1. “Braun joins GOP group rejecting election results,” Tribune Star, 1/4/21.
FN2. I.C. 10-14-3-12.
FN3 Id.
FN4. Id., at (d)(2) 7/8

FN5. Id.
FN6. 1933 Reichstag Fire. Shirer, “The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich,” 1990 ed., pp. 191-195; “The Moscow concert hall attack wasn’t the first during Putin’s 25-year rule,” AP, 3/23/24.. 8/8

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