Civil Discourse Now

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I expressed concerns re what might ensue in Indiana if 1) Pres Biden & VP Harris win re-election in November, but 2) trump wins Indiana’s 11 electors. Sen Mike Braun, GOP nominee for Gov, but for the Jan 6 insurrection, would have voted to reject the 2020 election results. [FN1] 1/10

Several ppl shared my concern. Another person pointed out: “Braun won't be sworn in until after the election. Until that happens Holcomb will be in charge.” True, but Gov Holcomb was on the fence on the 2020 election as late as 1/5/21, [FN2] not a cause for optimism. 2/10

trump cast doubt on validity of 2016's & 2020's elections before they happened. trump won IN 2x (2016, 56.47%; 2020, 57.02%). [FN3] There is no credible evidence of election fraud in IN 2016 or 2020. [FN4] What if Biden is declared winner of a majority of electors. 3/10.

A) If trump wins IN’s popular vote, electors already are chosen before the general election. I.C. §3-10-4-5. Those electors meet to cast their votes & have their votes certified. [FN5] Those votes go to the Capitol to be counted, a la 1/6/21. The statutes are clear. 4/10

B) If Pres Biden wins re-election & the popular vote in Indiana, the same statutes are clear. Sec’y of State is IN’s chief election officer. [FN6] He does not have discretion to ignore the will of the voters. Two other elected officials might seek to subvert Indiana voters’ will. 5/10

One person is the Governor, whose authority I described. The other office is IN’s Atty Gen’l. The incumbent has shown a proclivity to file suit to advance the AG’s agenda to protect Hoosiers from advances in our culture that tend to carry us into the 20th Century. He has some 6/10

catching-up to do. The National Socialist Party has the SA for muscle in the streets. “2A’ fans, who should give us all reasons for concern, are on the far right. I do not and shall not own a firearm Asimov wrote that violence is the last resort of the incompetent. 7/10

FN1. “Braun joins GOP group rejecting election results,” Tribune Star, 1/4/21.
FN2. Davies, “Indiana governor avoiding stance on GOP’s Biden challenge,” AP, 1/5/21. 8/10

FN3. Wikipedia, 2016 United States presidential election in Indiana; and 2020 United States presidential election in Indiana.
FN4. Voter suppression is a different matter that I shall address in days ahead. 9/10

FN5. “... gather in the chambers of the Indiana House of Representatives at 10 a.m.on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December to elect the President and Vice President of the United States.” I.C. §3-10-4-7(a).
FN6. I.C. §3-6-3.7-1. 10/10

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