Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

We face internal threats to our country

Amongst replies on FB to a Far Side cartoon of “Aerobics in hell,” one [FN1] was serious: “They got two things wrong in this cartoon 1. the devil does not look like that. 2. in Hell you are utterly alone!!!!” In exchanges of posts, I tried for humor.[FN2] He didn’t. [FN3] [FN4] 1/13

November might see our last election if trump retakes The Oval Office. Threats of violence, explicit [FN5] and implicit [FN6], from the far right are a constant. Whether “born again,” “fundamentalist” or “evangelical,” they are the same groups that seek power over us. 2/13

There might be only a (relatively) few months before people (like me) are chucked into camps and no longer enjoy the protections of free speech. Our ship of State might very well have hit an iceberg. As the deck begins to cant, and the band plays ragtime, I’ll dance & also write. 3/13

First, they try to say they’re just like other Christians. If they’re called on that, many act dumb. [FN7] In the late 1970s, a devout Roman Catholic chided me when I call born agains “nuts.” Then I told her: “They call Catholics statue worshipers.” Her reply: “They’re nuts.” 4/13

Second, they want to take over our government as a Christian theocracy. Problems:
A) “Jesus Christ” does not appear in any of the founding documents. [FN8] A constitution does
invoke “the favor and guidance of Almighty God” [FN9] but it was the Confederacy’s. 5/13

B) If they want to hold a convention to include “Jesus,” we are screwed. A Convention, once called, has no limits, according to the late Chief Justice Burger [FN`10] “there is no effective way to limit or muzzle the actions of a Const’l Convention.” 6/13

Too often fundamentalist Christians purport to speak for all Christians, but the white nationalism they push is fascism, a belief held by a small minority. I pointed out the self-hate of Calvinism. I said nothing to indicate I hold such a sick view. 7/13

FN1. Facebook ID/info: Mark Ian Brislin, “Seminar and conference speaker at a Global Enterprise and works at Management at Alpha & Omega English Coaching.” 8/13

FN2. “Samuel Clemens wrote that he would take heaven for the view and hell for the company. 2) People, such as you, who express such emotionally flat opinions as response to humor already live in a Calvinistic hell. 3) The problem is, you want to drag the rest of us w/you.” 9/13

FN3. “Feel sorry for you mate. You have such self-hate? in your heart - why? I hope that I can be a signpost to Heaven. In fact, I had the privilege of leading a man to Christ tonight. Let me know when you are ready to surrender to Jesus and I will be happy to pray with you.” 10/13

FN4. “1) There's no ‘self-hate’ ... here. That's my point [re:] Calvinism. 2) You have no position to call me ‘mate.’ 3) You ... inject your bullshit when someone tells a joke... 4) Do not [condescend via] offer to pray, with me, to” a thing that does not exist. 11/13

FN5. E.g., trump’s 3/16/24 speech in Ohio during which he predicted a “bloodbath” if he doesn’t win.
FN6. People flying, or wearing, maga or Confederate, flags and toting guns.
FN7. Many don’t have to “act.” 12/13

FN8. Footnotes: FN3. Yale Law School
FN10. Http://
FN11. Once called 13/13

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