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Want Gov't stand-still? GA GOP Senate candidates

People of Georgia need to understand: if you vote for Republican U.S. Senate incumbents David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler, you vote to freeze the Federal government for the next two (2) years at least. There might be something to be said for that.

McConnell, the Kentucky Senator who appears joyful only over others’ despair, vowed, when President Obama took office, to make that Democratic President - who won the popular and electors’ votes by clear majorities - a one-term President.

Neither McConnell nor the GOP U.S. Senate candidates, advocates any cognizable ideology. They seek only self-aggrandizement. They do not care - do not care - if people die. Again, there might be something to be said for such a view.

If you are a nihilist who thrives upon chaos, you might want to vote for those GOP candidates. If you are a urologist and voice coach - someone who can help people learn to piss and moan more effectively - the GOP would be your vote.

At stake is control of the United States Senate. If the GOP controls the Senate, even the gutless bastards who will whisper to Carl Bernstein how they loathe trump will continue to cave as they fear backlash from people with no brains but lots of automatic weapons.

As a GOP precinct committee person (Marion County, Wash. Twp 21-01), I am bound by State Rules and a Republican in Good-Standing cannot “actively or openly support another candidate against a Republican nominee.” (Rule 1-25.)

So I must say any Georgia voter who supported trump in 2020 should NOT bother to vote for either Perdue or Loeffler (who want to distance themselves from blue-collar ill-educated MAGAt people who embarrassed them).

Perdue wants to recapture votes of people who have looked down at you all your lives: “And we think some of those people, particularly in the suburbs, may come back to us. And I’m hopeful of that.” What he says to woo never-trumpers means he doesn’t like trumpers.

If you’re registered to vote in Georgia and want government at a stand-still, while hundreds of thousands die from COVID and the economy lurches to a halt, by all means vote for Perdue and Loeffler. Just don’t do that and decry “anarchism.” Bakunin wouldn’t be happy.

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Comment by pogden297 on November 28, 2020 at 12:20pm

I don't much buy either scenario. Even if the GOP wins both those races, the party will have only a 52-48 majority.  It wouldn't take much for Biden to forge a working relationship with some Republican Senators with moderate temperament, if not moderate political philosophies, to get somethings done.  Unlike Obama when he went into office,, Biden still has a lot of friends in the Senate, including McConnell.  That all the GOP Senators will from Day 1 vote to block anything Biden does, I do not believe it.  Let me be clear, that prediction applies for 2021 only.

If Democrats win both Senate seats, there will be a 50-50 split with Dems only having a majority because of VP Harris breaking the tie.  I've heard it suggested that if that happens there will be no limit on what the D's do...they could do court-packing, get rid of the filibuster, make D.C. a state, adopt the Green New Deal.  That's nonsense.  It would require the Dems, all 50 of them, voting as a block.  But there are plenty of more moderate Democrats -  like Manchin, Kelly and Sinema - who Republicans could pick off.  Then you have the fact that on most votes the filibuster rule will still apply and the D's will have to get substantial cross-over vote.

I think in 2021, you're likely to see significant measures pass the Senate.  You're going to see an infrastructure bill, Covid-19 relief, and, unfortunately, a raise in the minimum wage. (Though I doubt there will be enough support to raise it to $15 an hour.) I think you might also see some ethics reform measures such as providing more protection to Inspector Generals and whistleblowers and legislation to make the Judiciary Department more independent.  They may also try to close the loophole which allows the President to bypass Senate confirmation by making appointees  "acting" for long periods of time.

Then in 2012, when the midterms heat up, everything in the Senate will come to a screeching halt.

In short, while I think who wins these two Georgia Senate seats is important, the impact of that election is well between the two extremes being suggested.


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