Civil Discourse Now

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trump threatens "bloodbath" if he loses - vote AGAINST him & his supporters

In a speech in Dayton OH Saturday afternoon, trump said that if he loses on November 5, there “will be a bloodbath.” The word “bloodbath” is defined as “a ruthless slaughter of a great number of people; massacre.” [FN1] In Indiana, voter intimidation is illegal, specifically: 1/8

Indiana law forbids intimidating, threatening or coercing an individual to vote or attempt to vote.” [FN2] This goes to the heart of the right to vote. Neither trump nor any member of his crime family should be elected for public office. For people who vote in the GOP primary: 2/8

Mike Braun (governor) and Jim Banks (U.S. Senate) have fawned over trump. DO NOT vote for either these men, nor anyone who proudly states they’ll support trump. People running to be delegates to the GOP State convention should be asked an important question. 3/8

Micah Beckwith [FN3] wants to be Indiana’s Lt Gov. He has no business being anywhere near that office. Do candidates for the GOP State convention in your precinct intend to vote for Beckwith? If “yes,” DO NOT vote for them. Beckwith adores trump more than Braun. 4/8

I am running to be a delegate to the GOP State convention in June. I shall not vote for Beckwith or any other Christofascist. This iteration of the GOP is not the party of Lincoln. It is the party of ignorance and bigotry. trump seeks to make it a party of mass murder. We need to stop him. 5/8

FN1. 6/8

FN2. 3-14-3-21.5
A person who knowingly or intentionally intimidates, threatens, or coerces an individual for:
(1) voting or attempting to vote;
(2) urging or aiding another individual to vote or attempt to vote; or
(3) exercising any power or duty under this title concerning registration or voting;
commits voter intimidation, a Level 6 felony. 7/8

FN3. Ham Co preacher/Christian nationalist, 2020 GOP candidate in INCD5 primary. Beckwith was appointed to the Hamilton East Public Library (HEPL) board of trustees was part of a short-lived 4-3 right-wing majority that messed things up & wasted money. 8/8

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