Civil Discourse Now

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If one gun violence corpse has a value of 1.0, how many deaths did s/he/them save?

Gun violence on 3/16 claimed at least 1 more person in Broad Ripple. Police “working near” a bar on Broad Ripple Ave “around 1:20 a.m.” heard multiple shots go off inside” the bar, [FN1] which caters to a younger crowd. [FN2] IMPD took measures last summer 1/9

to address violence after four people were shot, three of whom died, last summer. [FN3] In the latest shooting, police were not called to the scene. They “heard multiple shots go off inside” the bar. Close proximity of police was not a deterrent. 2/9

“The wild west” of the 1800s was not as in the movies. [FN4] The “Shootout at the O.K. Corral” resulted from enforcement of Tombstone’s ban on concealed firearms. [FN5] Advocates of gun culture laugh it up about gun shows. [FN6] They advocate for “concealed carry.” 3/9

Guy Relford is “The Gun Guy” on WIBC, a terrestrial radio station in Indy. [FN7] Gun nuts like to say more guns = less crime, regardless of facts. Relford has a duty to determine a coefficient in regard to how many lives are saved for every single corpse racked up by gun violence. 4/9

We need to know. If 1.0 is the value for a gun violence corpse, there should be a value for lives that 1.0 has saved. Whether that corpse is a six-year-old child or an adult male, that 1.0 still is the value. Relford should give that value for ... every ... single ... corpse. We’ll wait. 5/9

FN1. Channel 8, “Person killed, 5 others wounded in Broad Ripple nightclub
FN2. I’ve lived in Broad Ripple for almost 40 years and am familiar with the businesses here. 6/9

FN3. Jesse Wells, “Safety changes being made in Broad Ripple aimed at preventing violence,” Fox 59, 6/30/23.
FN4. See Winkler, “Gunfight,” 2011 ed., pp. 166-173. E.g., Dodge City, Kansas banned concealed firearms in 1873. 7/9

FN5. Id., pp. 172-73; also, Ord 9(1): “It is hereby declared unlawful for any person to carry deadly weapons, concealed or otherwise (except the same be carried openly in sight, and in the hand)...” 8/9

FN6. Two very good friends of mine carry in their line of work. I never have heard either joke about firearms.
FN7. His first name is “Guy.” Get it? 9/9

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