Civil Discourse Now

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Slavery & Antisemitism are wrong: lessons on why trump cannot be allowed to take office

Several elements are common to each of the following questions.
A) If the Framers [FN1], in 1787 in Philadelphia, had been shown the carnage of the Civil War, would they have written the Constitution so as to abolish slavery? 1/8

B) If the industrial-scale genocide of the Holocaust had been foreseen, would the NSDAP and its Austrian leader have been allowed near power?
As a game of “what if?” w/in & mightas time travel seems legit. Sure. Time travel is legit... 2/8

in works of fiction, quantum physics &1980s NDT counterplans. [FN2] otoh, by studying the past, a/k/a history, we can avoid mistakes, embrace success, and learn. Questions A and B give ideas for strategy, but ignore the evils accommodated or downright ignored. 3/8

Slavery never should have existed. In 1787, the Framers should have used The Constitution to abolish slavery. Nearly a million Americans died in battle, 1861-1865. At best we can guess at the millions of African slaves who died from 1619 to 1865 and Jews 65 C.E. to now. 4/8

Anti-Semitism for two millennia victimized Jews & was used to justify mass murder. Jews who sought to escape the Holocaust were turned away by other nations, including the USA. Hitler never should have been given power that he quickly turned into dictatorship. 5/8

We face an emergency both national and global. trump emulates Hitler and pines to be a dictator. We still have time. Pres Biden can act on the national emergency already declared, i.e., Russian interference in our elections, and prevent trump from taking office. 6/8

FN1. “The Framers” are the 55 white, male landowners elected as delegates to, and attended at some point(s), the 1787 convention in Philadelphia that produced the seven articles of The Constitution. Nat’l Archives. Follow Cassie Jackson on Facebook! 7/8

FN2. “NDT”: “National Debate Tournament,” w/debaters speaking > 300 words/ min. See, REM’s “It’s the End of the World as We Know it,” by Michael Stipe. Also, Alexiou, Nicholas, “It’s The End Of The World As We Know It,” Above the Law, 7/2/20, accessed 1/11/25. 8/8

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